【インプロ】A Couple’s Real Talk in Japanese | 同棲カップルの家事についての話し合い with YUYUの日本語Podcast #245

Experience natural Japanese in this improvised play! Follow a fictional couple’s candid conversation about balancing household chores. Perfect for learners seeking to improve their listening skills and grasp real-life expressions in a fun, spontaneous context.

【インプロ】A Couple’s Real Talk in Japanese | 同棲カップルの家事についての話し合い with YUYUの日本語Podcast #245
Silver Penguin+ Members: Video Podcast and Japanese Transcripts (Furigana Included/Excluded)

単語 (Vocabulary)

Daily Life| 日常生活

  • ぼちぼち | So-so, Just okay
  • 真面目 (まじめ) | Serious
  • 家事 (かじ) | Household chores
  • 忘れる (わすれる) | To forget
  • 軽い気持ち (かるいきもち) | Not taking things seriously enough
  • 価値観 (かちかん) | Values, Way of thinking
  • ラクになる | To become easier, To feel more comfortable
  • 感覚 (かんかく) | Feeling, Sense
  • 習慣 (しゅうかん) | Habit, Routine
  • 信頼 (しんらい) | Trust
  • 取り戻す (とりもどす) | To regain, To restore
  • 許す (ゆるす) | To forgive, To allow

Household | 家庭関連

  • 植物 (しょくぶつ) | Plant
  • 水をあげる / 水をやる (みずをあげる / みずをやる) | To water (a plant)
  • トイレ | Litter box
  • 掃除 (そうじ) | Cleaning
  • 世話をする (せわをする) | To take care of (a pet), To look after
  • 飼う (かう) | To keep (a pet), To own (a pet)

Responsibility & Organization | 責任と組織

  • 責任を果たす (せきにんをはたす) | To take responsibility, To fulfill one's responsibility
  • 当番制 (とうばんせい) | Duty rotation, Shift system
  • 具体的 (ぐたいてき) | Specific, Concrete
  • 全般 (ぜんぱん) | Overall, General

Conflict & Emotion | 対立と感情

  • ヤバい | Oh no!, Oops!, Uh-oh!
  • おかしい | Unbalanced, Not right
  • やだ | I hate it, I really don't want that
  • 覚悟 (かくご) | Determination, Resolve
  • 罰ゲーム (ばつゲーム) | Penalty game, Punishment game

Atmosphere & Interaction | 雰囲気とやり取り

  • そっけない | Cold, Unfriendly response
  • ぎこちない空気 (ぎこちないくうき) | Awkward atmosphere
  • 気まずい空気 (きまずいくうき) | Uncomfortable atmosphere
  • 生活を見返す (せいかつをみかえす) | To review one's life situation together

会話の話題 (Conversation Topics)

How do you discuss the division of household chores in your family?

What do you find most challenging when sharing household chores with your partner?

What strategies do you use when taking care of pets or children?

Have you ever tried implementing a chore rotation system? Share your success stories or challenges!

What tools or apps do you use to efficiently manage household chores in your busy daily life?

How do you resolve disagreements about the division of household responsibilities?



Video Podcast and Japanese Transcripts (Furigana Included/Excluded)

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