Language Learning with Audiobooks #132

どんな日本語のオーディオブックを選べばいい? How to Choose the Best Audiobooks as a Japanese Language Learner. Discover how integrating audiobooks into your daily routine can transform your language learning journey. Tune in to explore the world of audiobooks and their benefits for Japanese learners.

Silver Penguin+ Members: Video Podcast and Japanese Transcripts (Furigana Included/Excluded)

What's the Difference Between 聞く and 聴く?

The Usage of 聞く

"聞(き)く" generally refers to the intentional act of obtaining information. This includes listening to someone speak, asking questions, and seeking information. For example, it is used in situations like listening attentively to a friend's story, inquiring for information, or listening for an answer to a question. This verb is suitable for scenarios where there's an intention of information gathering or communication.


  • Listening to a friend's story (友達の話を聞く).
  • Asking a teacher a question (先生に質問を聞く).
  • Listening to the news (ニュースを聞く).

The Usage of 聴く

On the other hand, "聴く" refers to the experience of listening attentively and enjoyably, such as to music or a speech. This verb is used for actions like listening intently to music, a performance, a lecture, or when listening for enjoyment. It is also used when focusing on the artistic elements of sound.


  • Listening to music at a concert (コンサートで音楽を聴く).
  • Listening to a radio program (ラジオ番組を聴く).
  • Listening to a speech (演説を聴く).


In summary, while "聞く" is often used for obtaining information or in conversations, "聴く" is more commonly used for enjoying artistic elements like music. Although these verbs seem similar, they have significant differences based on the context in which they are used. Proper differentiation between these verbs allows for richer and more accurate expressions in Japanese.

単語 (Vocabulary)

聴く (きく) - To listen
歩く (あるく) - To walk
定額 (ていがく) - Fixed amount/Flat rate
速度 (そくど) - Speed
調節 (ちょうせつ) - Adjustment
理解 (りかい) - Understanding
感情 (かんじょう) - Emotion
声優 (せいゆう) - Voice actor
小説 (しょうせつ) - Novel
言語 (げんご) - Language
興味 (きょうみ) - Interest
健康 (けんこう) - Health
ライフスタイル - Lifestyle
笑う (わらう) - To laugh
共感 (きょうかん) - Sympathy/Empathy

会話の話題 (Conversation Topics)

Have you ever listened to an audiobook?

What do you think are the benefits of learning Japanese through audiobooks?

What kind of audiobooks would you be keen to listen to?

Could you explain the differences between podcasts and audiobooks, and how you differentiate their use?

Video Podcast and Japanese Transcripts (Furigana Included/Excluded)

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