Best Purchases: Gadgets & Daily Essentials #239

We discuss the best high-priced items we've bought, from game-changing gadgets like DJI Osmo Pocket to everyday essentials like a fast-drying hairdryer. Tune in as we talk about smart purchases, decision-making struggles, and even a funny debate about premium toothpaste!

Silver Penguin+ Members: Video Podcast and Japanese Transcripts (Furigana Included/Excluded)

単語 (Vocabulary)

生活用品・日常動作 (Everyday Items & Activities)

  • ドライヤー - Hair dryer
  • マイナスイオン - Negative ions
  • 乾かす (かわかす) - To dry
  • 歯磨き粉 (はみがきこ) - Toothpaste
  • 歯磨き (はみがき) - Tooth brushing
  • 冷凍食品 (れいとうしょくひん) - Frozen food
  • お惣菜 (おそうざい) - Prepared foods, Deli foods
  • 浄水器 (じょうすいき) - Water purifier
  • 蛇口 (じゃぐち) - Faucet, Tap
  • 水道水 (すいどうすい) - Tap water
  • 薬局 (やっきょく) - Pharmacy
  • ドラッグストア - Drugstore

価格・経済 (Prices & Economy)

  • 物価 (ぶっか) - Cost of living, Prices
  • 貧乏 (びんぼう) - Poor
  • 痛感する (つうかんする) - To keenly feel, To fully realize
  • 外食する (がいしょくする) - To eat out, To dine out

心理・決断 (Psychology & Decision-Making)

  • 決断力 (けつだんりょく) - Decision-making ability
  • 優柔不断 (ゆうじゅうふだん) - Indecisive
  • 考え抜く (かんがえぬく) - To think through

社会・政治 (Society & Politics)

  • 革命 (かくめい) - Revolution
  • 政治 (せいじ) - Politics
  • 政治観 (せいじかん) - Political views
  • インフラ - Infrastructure

環境・物理的特徴 (Environment & Physical Characteristics)

  • 混む (こむ) - To get crowded
  • 近所 (きんじょ) - Neighborhood
  • ボロボロ - Worn-out, Shabby
  • 錆びる (さびる) - To rust
  • サビ / 錆 (さび) - Rust
  • 馴染みのない (なじみのない) - Unfamiliar
  • 調理する (ちょうりする) - To cook

会話の話題 (Conversation Topics)

What items do you often buy at the drugstore?

Have you ever bought a gadget that you felt was worth the price?

Is there a household item that was a bit expensive but worth it?

Have you ever been surprised by prices or shopping experiences while traveling abroad?

How much do daily essentials like toothpaste and water cost in your country? Let’s discuss!


I genuinely use and recommend these products in my everyday life. Please note that this site uses Amazon affiliate links, which means I may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you!
DJI Osmo Pocket 3 + Mic 2

Video Podcast and Japanese Transcripts (Furigana Included/Excluded)

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