Part3 Chat With Miku-san from Miku Real Japanese #177&178

ミクさんとの3回目の会話です。旅行の話や雑談をしています。A map of recommended places has been inserted into this article (using Google My Maps). It's sure to come in handy for your next trip to Japan!

Part3 Chat With Miku-san from Miku Real Japanese #177&178
Silver Penguin+ Members: Video Podcast and Japanese Transcripts (Furigana Included/Excluded)

Topic トピック

  1. How would you spend a week in Tokyo? 東京で一週間過ごすならどうする?
  2. Our recommended tourist spots in Japan 私たちのおすすめの日本の観光地
  3. Introducing hidden gems perfect for those who prefer less crowded places. 人混みが嫌いな人にとって幸せな穴場を紹介
  4. Just a chat ただの雑談
  5. Rokuyo(six basic days, each of which is believed to have different workings on human activities)六曜
  6. Superstitions 迷信
  7. About Miku's World Tour ミクさんのワールドツアーについて

Video Podcast and Japanese Transcripts (Furigana Included/Excluded)

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