Japan Vlog :Exploring Ogasawara🏝️Hidden Paradise of Chichijima!

東京の離島、父島へレッツゴー!Explore Chichijima in Tokyo’s remote Ogasawara Islands. From a 24-hour ferry ride to spotting humpback whales and dolphins, this vlog captures the island’s unique wildlife. Perfect for nature lovers and Japanese learners, with subtitles for listening practice.

Japan Vlog :Exploring Ogasawara🏝️Hidden Paradise of Chichijima!

🎥 This video was filmed in mid to late March 2023 on Chichijima 🏝️🌿

単語 (Vocabulary)

固有種(こゆうしゅ) | Endemic species
ザトウクジラ | Humpback whale
イソヒヨドリ | Blue Rock Thrush
メジロ | Japanese White-eye: A small bird species commonly found in Japan.
メグロ | Bonin White-eye: An endemic bird species of the Ogasawara Islands.
ハシナガイルカ | Spinner dolphin
ミナミハンドウイルカ | Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin
南島(みなみじま) | Minamijima Island
無人島(むじんとう) | Uninhabited island
サンゴ(珊瑚) | Coral

Japanese Transcripts (Furigana Included/Excluded)

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