単語 (Vocabulary)
配送・物流関連 (Delivery and Logistics)
- 宅配ボックス / 宅配ロッカー (たくはいボックス / たくはいロッカー) - Delivery box, Parcel locker
- 荷物 (にもつ) - Package, Parcel
- 配送 (はいそう) - Delivery, Shipping
- 配達員 (はいたついん) - Delivery person
- 郵便受け (ゆうびんうけ) - Mailbox
- 不在票 (ふざいひょう) - Missed delivery notice
- 再配達 (さいはいたつ) - Redelivery
- 業者 (ぎょうしゃ) - Service provider, Vendor
- 預かる (あずかる) - To hold (something for someone)
住居関連 (Housing and Residence)
- 自宅 (じたく) - Home, One's house
- 集合住宅 (しゅうごうじゅうたく) - Apartment building, Residential complex
- 一戸建て / 一軒家 (いっこだて / いっけんや) - Detached house, Stand-alone house
設置・システム関連 (Installation and Systems)
- 設置する (せっちする) - To install, To set up
- 仕組み (しくみ) - System
セキュリティ・アクセス関連 (Security and Access)
- 鍵 (かぎ) - Key
- 桁 (けた) - Digit
- 秘密 (ひみつ) - Secret
- 暗証番号 (あんしょうばんごう) - PIN number
政府・行政関連 (Government and Administration)
- 政府 (せいふ) - Government
- 補助金 (ほじょきん) - Subsidy
- 申請する (しんせいする) - To apply
環境・効率関連 (Environment and Efficiency)
- 環境 (かんきょう) - Environment
- 効率 (こうりつ) - Efficiency
会話の話題 (Conversation Topics)
How often do you use online shopping?
When you're not at home, how do you receive packages?
Have you heard of delivery lockers? Have you ever used them?
Have you ever thought about the burden on delivery workers and the environmental impact?
Do you notice any differences when comparing package delivery systems in other countries to Japan's?
If delivery lockers became widespread in your country, what benefits and drawbacks do you think there would be?
With the increase in online shopping, what kinds of services or systems do you think will be needed in the future?
View the English summary of this episode
In this episode, we delve into the world of 宅配ボックス—Japan's innovative delivery locker system that's transforming the way people receive packages. With the surge in online shopping, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, the challenge of receiving deliveries when you're not home has become increasingly common. We discuss how宅配ボックス offer a convenient solution by allowing packages to be securely delivered even in your absence.
We explore how these lockers are utilized in both apartments (マンション) and standalone houses (一戸建て), and how residents can install them with government support. The Japanese government is promoting the installation of宅配ボックス to reduce the need for redeliveries, which not only eases the workload for delivery personnel but also has positive environmental impacts by lowering fuel consumption and emissions.
You'll hear about the personal experiences of using宅配ボックス, the ease of retrieving packages with secure PIN codes, and the comparison with delivery systems in other countries. We also touch on the exceptional customer service of Japanese delivery companies, including free redeliveries and flexible scheduling options.
Finally, we invite you to reflect on your own experiences:
- How do you receive packages when you're not home?
- Does your country offer similar delivery solutions?
- What are your thoughts on the environmental impact of redeliveries?
Join us as we uncover how a simple innovation like宅配ボックス can make a significant difference in daily life, benefiting individuals, delivery workers, and the environment alike.