単語 (Vocabulary)
General Vocabulary
- 大都市 (だいとし) | Major city, Metropolis
- 国籍 (こくせき) | Nationality
- 星座 (せいざ) | Zodiac sign
- 内向的 (ないこうてき) | Introverted
- 外向的 (がいこうてき) | Extroverted
- 性格 (せいかく) | Personality
- 毎週 (まいしゅう) | Every week, Weekly
- 登録する (とうろくする) | To register, To sign up
Social and Practical Terms
- 手数料 (てすうりょう) | Fee, Service charge
- 割り勘にする (わりかんにする) | To split the bill, To go Dutch
- 初対面 (しょたいめん) | First meeting, First encounter
Dining & Atmosphere
- 個室 (こしつ) | Private room
- 謎に満ちている (なぞにみちている) | Mysterious, Full of mystery
- ゲーム感覚 (げーむかんかく) | Game-like feeling
- 気遣いができる (きづかいができる) | To be thoughtful, To be considerate, Attentive
Expressing Opinions
- 強いて言うなら (しいていうなら) | If I had to say
- 総合的に (そうごうてきに) | Overall
- 改善の余地 (かいぜんのよち) | Room for improvement
会話の話題 (Conversation Topics)
AI が人をマッチングする仕組みについてどんな印象がありますか?
What are your impressions of how AI matches people?
What is your impression of “splitting the bill” (warikan)? When do you typically split the bill?
Have you ever found a restaurant to be too noisy? On the other hand, have you ever thought a restaurant was too quiet?
What is your ideal dining environment?
Do you feel hesitant about meeting people through an app?
If you could only eat one type of food from now on, what would it be?
Have you ever used an app to make friends while traveling? What was that experience like?