Silver Penguin+ Members: Video Podcast and Japanese Transcripts (Furigana Included/Excluded)
単語 (Vocabulary)
カジュアルな挨拶 (Casual Greetings)
- やっほー | Hey!, Hi! (Casual greeting, often used by women)
- よっ | Yo! (Informal greeting)
料理・食材関連 (Food & Ingredients)
- ホットプレート | Electric griddle, Hot plate
- 豚玉 (ぶたたま) | Butatama (Okonomiyaki with pork belly)
- そば | Noodles (in Okonomiyaki context)
- モダン焼き | Modan-yaki (Okonomiyaki with noodles)
- 炭水化物 (たんすいかぶつ) | Carbohydrates
- 惣菜 / 総菜 (そうざい) | Ready-to-eat food, Prepared foods
- たこせん | Takosen (Octopus ball sandwich with rice crackers)
- 煎餅 (せんべい) | Rice cracker
味・食感の表現 (Taste & Texture)
- ガッツリ | Hearty, Filling
- 重い (おもい) | Heavy (Feeling / Fullness), Rich
- フワフワ | Fluffy, Light
- 薄い (うすい) | Thin
- パリパリ | Crispy
- 食感 (しょっかん) | Texture (of food)
- 満腹感 (まんぷくかん) | Feeling of fullness
買い物・日常生活 (Shopping & Daily Life)
- 割引 (わりびき) | Discount
- 屋台 (やたい) | Food stall
- 繁華街 (はんかがい) | Downtown, Entertainment district
会話に役立つ表現 (Useful Conversation Phrases)
- 親しむ (したしむ) | To become familiar with
- 冷める (さめる) | To cool down, To become less hot
- ど忘れ (どわすれ) | To slip one's mind
文化・歴史関連 (Culture & History)
- 発祥 (はっしょう) | Origin, Birthplace
- 諸説 (しょせつ) | Various theories
その他の表現 Others)
- 衝撃 (しょうげき) | Shock, Impact
- 定番 (ていばん) | Classic, Standard
- 頻度 (ひんど) | Frequency