Essential Tips for Your Stay in Ulaanbaatar and Exploring Mongolia | モンゴル旅行ガイド:ウランバートルでの滞在と観光のポイント

Curious about Ulaanbaatar? This guide covers everything from airport tips and transportation to choosing the right accommodation and tours. ウランバートル観光に役立つ情報(2024年夏の記録)

Essential Tips for Your Stay in Ulaanbaatar and Exploring Mongolia | モンゴル旅行ガイド:ウランバートルでの滞在と観光のポイント

The insights and recommendations in this blog are based on my experience traveling through Mongolia in late June to early July 2024.

See Japanese below/ 日本語は下にあります。

Useful Information After Arriving at Ulaanbaatar Airport


ATMs and Convenience Stores

Once you arrive at Ulaanbaatar Airport, it’s a good idea to get some local currency right away. As you exit the arrival gate, you’ll find three ATMs on your left. I used a Visa card without any issues. Near the ATMs, there’s a convenience store where you can buy sandwiches, water, and snacks. Although I arrived late at night, the store was still open, making it a very convenient stop right after arrival.

Getting from the Airport to the City

For getting from the airport to the city, I used a pre-booked transfer service, which I arranged through along with my accommodation. The transfer went smoothly. Since I arrived late at night, buses were not an option, and I was concerned about possible issues with taxi fares, so I chose a chartered service. You can also ask the hotel or guesthouse staff to arrange transportation for you, which is a reliable option. I used this service three times, and the cost was between 90,000 and 95,000 MNT (around $25 to $30).

Accommodation Experience in Ulaanbaatar


Choosing the Right Place to Stay

During my stay in Ulaanbaatar, I stayed at three different accommodations, and all of them had good Wi-Fi, ensuring a comfortable stay. Most guesthouses and hostels offered simple breakfasts, typically consisting of eggs, bread, and jam, with coffee or tea available.

  • LG Guesthouse: Approximately $20 per night. The young staff spoke English and were very friendly. The room had a private bathroom and toilet, and security was ensured with a digital lock.
  • Top Tour Guesthouse Mongolia: $11 per night for a dormitory bed. Popular with backpackers, it offers an international atmosphere. The staff spoke English and were very helpful.
  • Airbnb: For the last few days, I wanted some quiet time alone, so I chose a room for around 6,500 yen per night. It was conveniently located near museums and squares.

Sightseeing and Tour Experiences

Terelj National Park and Genghis Khan Statue

While in Ulaanbaatar, I joined a day tour, which was conducted in English. I toured with two other travelers from the UK. We first visited the Genghis Khan statue and explored the museum inside the building, where our guide explained the history of Mongolia and the artifacts used in the past. After that, we went to Terelj National Park, had lunch, and enjoyed a light hike.

Tour Cost and Value

The tour cost 262,650 MNT (around 12,857 yen at the time), including entrance fees, lunch, and transportation. I found it to be a very good value, offering a rich experience. Participating in a tour is a great way to efficiently explore Mongolia. Tours can be arranged at hostels and guesthouses, and even if you’re staying at an Airbnb or hotel, you might consider contacting a hostel or guesthouse to arrange a tour.

Communication in Mongolia


Language Barriers and Using Mongolian

While English is widely understood at tourist spots in Ulaanbaatar, I found that learning a few Mongolian greetings made a big difference in connecting with locals. Saying “Hello” in Mongolian, which sounds like “senbei no~~🍘” in Japanese, was surprisingly easy to remember and helped to break the ice.

Climate and Packing Tips

Weather in Early July in Mongolia



When I visited in early July, the weather was mostly dry and sunny. However, on rainy days, the ground often flooded, so I recommend bringing waterproof shoes. Unlike Japan, the infrastructure is still developing, so the road conditions aren’t great, and even a little rain can create large puddles, making it difficult to walk. While the days were warm, the mornings and evenings were chilly, so bringing a light jacket, long sleeves, and long pants will help you stay comfortable. I had prepared a lot of insect repellent, but surprisingly, I didn’t get bitten and had a pleasant stay.










  • LGゲストハウス: 1泊約20ドル。若いスタッフが英語を話し、親切に対応してくれました。部屋には専用のトイレと風呂があり、部屋のセキュリティも数字式ロックで安心でした。
  • トップツアーゲストハウスモンゴリア: 1泊11ドルで、ドミトリーベッドを利用。バックパッカーに人気で、国際的な環境が魅力です。スタッフは英語を話し、親切に対応してくれました。
  • Airbnb: 最後の数日は一人で静かに過ごしたかったため、1泊6500円ほどの部屋を選びました。美術館や広場に近く、便利な立地でした。












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