Experiencing Nomadic Life in Mongolia: A Journey Beyond Digital Nomadism #233

Join me as I share my experience living with a nomadic family in Mongolia. Discover the unique lifestyle of true nomads, from tending to livestock to adapting to a world without modern comforts. A deep dive into traditions, resilience, and cultural contrasts.

Experiencing Nomadic Life in Mongolia: A Journey Beyond Digital Nomadism #233
Silver Penguin+ Members: Video Podcast and Japanese Transcripts (Furigana Included/Excluded)

Immersed in Nomadic Life: A Journey Through Mongolia’s Traditional Lifestyle |モンゴル遊牧民家族とホームステイ
Experience the unique and traditional lifestyle of Mongolian nomads as I recount my five-day stay with a nomadic family.モンゴルの遊牧民家族とゲルで5日間過ごしました。わたしの旅日記をお楽しみください。また今後、モンゴルに行く予定のあるかたの参考になると嬉しいです。

単語 (Vocabulary)

人間関係・家族 (Relationships & Family)

  • 夏休み (なつやすみ) - Summer vacation
  • 親戚 (しんせき) - Relatives
  • 夫婦 (ふうふ) - Married couple
  • 息子 (むすこ) - Son

動物・家畜 (Animals & Livestock)

  • 馬 (うま) - Horse
  • 羊 (ひつじ) - Sheep
  • 牛 (うし) - Cow
  • 家畜 (かちく) - Livestock

生活・家事 (Daily Life & Housework)

  • 滞在 (たいざい) - Stay
  • 水やり (みずやり) - Watering
  • 毛刈り (けがり) / 毛を刈る (けをかる) - Shearing
  • 口笛 (くちぶえ) - Whistle
  • ゲル - Yurt
  • 台所 (だいどころ) - Kitchen
  • 汲む (くむ) / 水を汲む (みずをくむ) - To draw water
  • 湧き出る (わきでる) - To spring, To gush out
  • 乾燥 (かんそう) している - Dry
  • 水洗トイレ (すいせんトイレ) - Flush toilet

仕事・役割 (Work & Roles)

  • 働き者 (はたらきもの) - Hard worker
  • 労働 (ろうどう) - Labor, Work
  • 役立たず (やくたたず) - Useless
  • 足手まとい (あしでまとい) - Hindrance, Burden

自然・環境 (Nature & Environment)

  • 燃料 (ねんりょう) - Fuel
  • 糞 (ふん) - Manure, Dung
  • 肥料 (ひりょう) - Fertilizer
  • 踏む (ふむ) - To step on
  • 日没 (にちぼつ) - Sunset

身体・健康 (Body & Health)

  • 筋トレ (きんとれ) - Strength training, Workout
  • スタイルがいい - Fit, Good in shape

その他の活動・性格 (Other Activities & Traits)

  • 手際が良い (てぎわがよい) - Skilled at, Efficient at
  • 楽ちん (らくちん) - Comfortable, Easy
  • 半端ない (はんぱない) - Incredible, Extraordinary
  • 記憶 (きおく) - Memory
  • 選挙 (せんきょ) - Election
  • 充電する (じゅうでんする) - To charge
  • 口数 (くちかず) が少ない (すくない) - Taciturn, Not talkative

会話の話題 (Conversation Topics)

What image do you have of the nomadic lifestyle? Did your impression change after listening to the episode?

Do you think it would take time to get used to living in an environment with little privacy? How would you adjust your mindset in such a situation?

In a place without internet access, how would you spend your time?

What are your thoughts on the traditional roles of a husband and wife?

What are three things that you can’t live without in your daily life?

Video Podcast and Japanese Transcripts (Furigana Included/Excluded)

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