Embracing the Countryside: My Favorite Way to Travel in Japan #211

Embracing the Countryside: My Favorite Way to Travel in Japan #211

Dive into the serene beauty of Japan's countryside, from the charm of Kinosaki Onsen to the unique climate of the Japan Sea side. Discover why rural Japan holds a special place in my heart, through tales of nature, culture, and literary journeys.

Silver Penguin+ Members: Video Podcast and Japanese Transcripts (Furigana Included/Excluded)

単語 (Vocabulary)

田舎 (いなか) - Countryside
旅 (たび) - Travel
兵庫県 (ひょうごけん) - Hyogo Prefecture
日本海 (にほんかい) - Sea of Japan
気候 (きこう) - Climate
雪 (ゆき) - Snow
文学 (ぶんがく) - Literature
天然記念物 (てんねんきねんぶつ) - Natural monument
火山 (かざん) - Volcano
マグマ (まぐま) - Magma
六角形 (ろっかくけい) - Hexagon
レンタサイクル - Bike rental
湿地 (しっち) - Wetland
コウノトリ (こうのとり) - Stork

会話の話題 (Conversation Topics)

Have you ever visited the countryside in Japan? Which region did you visit, or which region would you like to visit?

Are you interested in Japan's nature and wildlife? What do you find particularly captivating?

Have you delved into Japanese literature? If you have any recommendations, please share them.

Do you enjoy traveling by bicycle? If you've had the experience of renting a bicycle in Japan, please share your thoughts!

Have you ever seen wildlife, such as storks, while traveling? Where did you see them?

Do you read books or literature about a place before traveling there?

Kinosaki Information and Tour Counter – SOZORO - Visit Kinosaki
Make hotel reservations and get information on sightseeing, dining, activities, and more in Kinosaki and its surrounding areas, 2.5 hours from Kyoto.

Information Center. Bicycle rentals available.

ハチゴロウ戸島湿地 - 山陰海岸国立公園第3種特別地域に指定された環境保全拠点で、ラムサール条約登録地の「円山川下流域・周辺水田」に含まれています。


Genbudo Park - Visit Kinosaki
Make hotel reservations and get information on sightseeing, dining, activities, and more in Kinosaki and its surrounding areas, 2.5 hours from Kyoto.


Ropeway Hiking Course - Visit Kinosaki
Make hotel reservations and get information on sightseeing, dining, activities, and more in Kinosaki and its surrounding areas, 2.5 hours from Kyoto.


2016.10.18 城崎文芸館リニューアル・オープン KINOBUN


Naoya Shiga - Wikipedia

Video Podcast and Japanese Transcripts (Furigana Included/Excluded)

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