Exploring Yojijukugo: My Favorite Four-Character Idioms #220

Dive into the world of 四字熟語 with us! In this episode, we'll explore three of my favorite four-character idioms: 一日一善, 腹八分目, and 三日坊主. Discover their meanings, how they can be applied in daily life, and even get inspired to create your own!

Exploring Yojijukugo: My Favorite Four-Character Idioms #220
Silver Penguin+ Members: Video Podcast and Japanese Transcripts (Furigana Included/Excluded)

このエピソード内では何度も四字熟語のことを四文字熟語と言い間違えています。一般的なのは「四字熟語」ですので、ここで訂正いたします。In this episode, I repeatedly referred to 四字熟語 (よじじゅくご) as 四文字熟語(よんもじじゅくご) by mistake. The correct term is 四字熟語(よじじゅくご), and I apologize for the error.

単語 (Vocabulary)

四字熟語 (よじじゅくご) - Four-character idioms
習慣 (しゅうかん) - Habit
心がける (こころがける) - To keep in mind, to strive for
睡眠 (すいみん) - Sleep
消化 (しょうか) - Digestion
手助け (てだすけ) - Help, Assistance
理想的 (りそうてき) - Ideal
善悪 (ぜんあく) - Good and evil
控えめ (ひかえめ) - Moderate, Reserved
老化 (ろうか) - Aging
長生き (ながいき) - Longevity
少食 (しょうしょく) - Small appetite, Eating less
生活に密着 (せいかつにみっちゃく) - Closely connected to daily life

会話の話題 (Conversation Topics)

Are there any yojijukugo (four-character idioms) you know? Please explain their meanings.

Have you ever practiced "一日一善(いちにちいちぜん) (one good deed a day)"? What did you do?

Is it difficult to follow "(はら)八分目(はちぶんめ) (eating until 80% full)"? Tell me about your eating habits.

Are there things you tend to be a "三日坊主(みっかぼうず) (a person who gives up after three days)" about? How do you think you can continue?

If you were to create your own original yojijukugo (four-character idiom), what would it be?

一日一善 (いちにちいちぜん) - One good deed a day
三日坊主 (みっかぼうず) - A person who can't stick to anything
腹八分目 (はらはちぶんめ) - Eating until 80% full
耳が痛い (みみがいたい) - Painful to hear, Hitting close to home

一日一善(いちにちいちぜん)一日に一つ良いことをするという意味です。毎日少しでも他人や社会のために善行を行うことを推奨する言葉です。 This means doing one good deed each day. It encourages performing small acts of kindness daily for others or society.
腹八分目(はらはちぶんめ)食事をお腹が満たされる前の八分目程度で止めることを指します。健康を維持するために食べ過ぎを避ける習慣です。 This means stopping eating when you are 80% full. It promotes mindful eating habits for better health.
三日坊主(みっかぼうず)何か新しいことを始めても三日くらいでやめてしまう人のことを指します。続けることが苦手な人のことを表します。 This describes a person who starts something new but gives up after three days. It highlights the difficulty of maintaining new habits.
「耳が痛い」とは、聞きたくないけれど本当であるため、心に響くような批判や指摘を受けるときに使う表現です。'Mimi ga itai ' is an expression used when receiving criticism or advice that, although true, is hard to hear and resonates deeply.

Video Podcast and Japanese Transcripts (Furigana Included/Excluded)

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