The Flavor of Osaka: Okonomiyaki Adventure | 大阪でお好み焼き #254

Taste the flavor of 大阪 through お好み焼き! Learn its fascinating history, discover regional styles like modan-yaki, and explore Osaka’s vibrant dining culture. From sizzling teppan performances to budget-friendly takeout, this episode will transport you to the heart of Osaka’s culinary scene.

The Flavor of Osaka: Okonomiyaki Adventure | 大阪でお好み焼き #254
Silver Penguin+ Members: Video Podcast and Japanese Transcripts (Furigana Included/Excluded)

What is 一銭洋食 (Issen Yoshoku)?

Issen Yoshoku, meaning “one-sen Western food,” was a simple, affordable dish popular in Japan before World War II. Its name reflects its cost at the time, with “sen” being a former currency unit (1 sen = 1/100 yen). Despite being called “Western food,” the dish was entirely Japanese, made with locally sourced ingredients.

During this era, meat was a luxury, so more affordable items like cabbage, green onions, and squid were commonly used. These ingredients were mixed into a thin flour-based batter and cooked on a hot iron plate, creating a flavorful and textured dish. This approach not only made Issen Yoshoku economical but also laid the foundation for what we now know as okonomiyaki.

単語 (Vocabulary)

  • 180度変わる (ひゃくはちじゅうどかわる) | To change drastically, To change completely
  • 第二次世界大戦 (だいにじせかいたいせん) | World War II
  • 戦前 (せんぜん) | Pre-war (before WWII)
  • 戦後 (せんご) | Post-war (after WWII)
  • 具材 / 材料 (ぐざい / ざいりょう) | Ingredients
  • 豚玉 (ぶたたま) | Butatama (Okonomiyaki with pork belly)
  • モダン焼き (もだんやき) | Modern-yaki (Okonomiyaki with noodles)
  • 焼きそば (やきそば) | Yakisoba (stir-fried noodles)
  • 牛すじ (ぎゅうすじ) | Beef tendon
  • 茹でたて (ゆでたて) | Freshly boiled
  • セルフ (せるふ) | Self-service
  • 目の前 (めのまえ) | In front of
  • 大判焼き (おおばんやき) | Obanyaki (Japanese sweet stuffed pancake)

食感を表すオノマトペ (Onomatopoeia for Texture)

  • モチモチ | Chewy, Springy
  • カリカリ | Crispy
  • 住宅街 (じゅうたくがい) | Residential area
  • テイクアウト / お持ち帰り (おもちかえり) | Takeout
  • チェーン店 (ちぇーんてん) | Chain store
  • 至るところに (いたるところに) | Everywhere, All over the place

会話の話題 (Conversation Topics)

Have you ever tried okonomiyaki? What ingredients were in it?

If you were in Osaka, would you prefer to eat okonomiyaki at a restaurant or as takeout?

What toppings do you think go best with okonomiyaki? Let’s get creative! 😆

Have you ever made okonomiyaki yourself? Would you like to try making it? How did it turn out?

What surprised you or seemed interesting about the history of okonomiyaki in Japan?

If you’re looking for a great place to try okonomiyaki, visit “TsuruhaFugetsu” (鶴橋風月), a popular chain in Osaka.

bonus | たこ焼きの味付け(あじつけ)

日本語 英語
ソース Sauce
マヨネーズ Mayonnaise
だし醤油 Dashi Soy Sauce
ポン酢 Ponzu
明太マヨ Mentaiko Mayo
ネギポン Negi Pon (Green Onion with Ponzu)
カレー Curry

Video Podcast and Japanese Transcripts (Furigana Included/Excluded)

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