Taking the Leap: From Office Worker to Online Japanese Teacher #238

In this episode, Yusuke shares his journey from a 25-year career as an office worker to becoming an online Japanese teacher. He discusses his motivations, the challenges of changing careers, and his advice for those wanting to make bold changes in their own lives.

Taking the Leap: From Office Worker to Online Japanese Teacher #238
Silver Penguin+ Members: Video Podcast and Japanese Transcripts (Furigana Included/Excluded)

単語 (Vocabulary)

仕事・ビジネスシーン (Work & Business)

  • 勤務する (きんむする) - To work, To be employed
  • 出勤する (しゅっきんする) - To go to work
  • 評価される (ひょうかされる) - To be evaluated
  • 評価 (ひょうか) - Evaluation, Assessment
  • 収入源 (しゅうにゅうげん) - Source of income
  • 偉い (えらい) - Admirable, Important
  • 構築する (こうちくする) - To build, To construct

感情・心の状態 (Emotions & Mental State)

  • 不安 (ふあん) - Anxiety, Worry
  • 不安定 (ふあんてい) - Unstable, Insecure
  • 勇気 (ゆうき) - Courage
  • 急に (きゅうに) - Suddenly
  • 払拭する (ふっしょくする) - To dispel, To eliminate

学習・自己成長 (Learning & Personal Growth)

  • 上達する (じょうたつする) - To improve, To advance
  • 努力する (どりょくする) - To make an effort, To work hard
  • 知識 (ちしき) - Knowledge
  • 経験 (けいけん) - Experience
  • 見つめ直す (みつめなおす) - To reassess, To reevaluate
  • 一歩を踏み出す (いっぽをふみだす) - To take a step forward, To take the first step

人間関係・コミュニケーション (Relationships & Communication)

  • 交流する (こうりゅうする) - To interact, To exchange
  • 勘違いする (かんちがいする) - To misunderstand, To get the wrong idea

問題解決・状況管理 (Problem Solving & Situational Management)

  • 解決する (かいけつする) - To solve, To resolve
  • 見失う (みうしなう) - To lose sight of
  • 蓄積される (ちくせきされる) - To be accumulated
  • 前提 (ぜんてい) - Premise, Assumption
  • 不透明 (ふとうめい) - Uncertain, Opaque
  • 複数 (ふくすう) - Multiple, Several
  • 自動的 (じどうてき) - Automatic

安全・リスク管理 (Safety & Risk Management)

  • 安全 (あんぜん) - Safety
  • 依存する (いぞんする) - To depend on, To rely on

会話の話題 (Conversation Topics)

Have you ever considered a career change? If you were to challenge yourself with a new job, what kind of profession would you choose?

It is said that people can grow by moving to a new environment. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

What do you think about having multiple sources of income?

What knowledge do you think is important to acquire before coming to Japan? Please give specific examples, such as culture, language, or daily customs.

Are you familiar with the proverb "A frog in a well knows nothing of the great ocean"? How do you think this episode relates to that saying?

Read the English summary of this episode

In this episode, we explore the fascinating career transition of a man who left behind 25 years in the corporate world to become an online Japanese teacher. Starting from his decision to switch careers, he opens up about the reasons behind his bold move, including the desire for a more flexible work environment and the chance to rediscover himself in a completely new role.

We discuss the challenges of making such a major life shift, including dealing with uncertainty, building a new income stream, and finding joy in teaching. He reflects on the importance of stepping out of one’s comfort zone, the need for ongoing self-assessment, and why having multiple sources of income is increasingly essential in today’s uncertain economy.

Whether you're considering a career change, thinking about how to find fulfillment in your work, or simply curious about what it's like to teach a language online, this episode offers valuable insights and practical advice for navigating personal and professional transformation.


Hi ! I’m Yusuke, from Japan. My channel is for people who are learning Japanese. This channel has 3 types of Videos for Learning. “Monologue” Series I walk down the streets and talk by myself. You can listen to my slower spoken Japanese while enjoying the scenery of Japan. I never read scripts. “Conversation” Series I talk to someone who can speak Japanese. These will help you focus on listening to Japanese. We never read scripts. “File” Series I walk down the streets and talk to the people there. These will help you listen to real Japanese as it is actually used by the Japanese. Of course, we never read scripts. I hope you enjoy here ! ********************* ********************* 現在 僕の日本語レッスンは 日本時間の 日曜日が中心となっています。 Currently, my Japanese lessons are mainly held on Sundays (Japan time). 詳しくは 下のURLから応募フォームを入力して下さい。 返事のメールをします。 For more information, please fill out the application form at the URL below. I will send you a reply email. check out ↓ [ ゆうすけの日本語教室 ] ↓
ゆうすけの日本語教室 Yusuke’s Japanese Class
50分 34USドル 40分 30USドル 30分 25USドル 50 mins 34 USD 40 mins 30 USD 30 mins 25 USD 18才以上の方が対象です。 Only for 18 years or older. 現在 僕の日本語レッスンは 日本時間の 日曜日が 中心となっています。 Currently, my Japanese lessons are mainly held on Sundays Japan time. 僕とビデオチャットで日本語を話してみませんか? Why not give it a try and talk with me in Japanese via video chat? ( Google Meet を使用します ) ( We use Google Meet for video chat ) 日常会話を楽しみながら 日本語を学んでいきましょう! Let’s learn Japanese while enjoying daily conversation! もし興味があれば、まずは申し込みをして下さい。 If you are interested, please apply first. もちろん この申し込みは無料です。 Of course, this application is free of charge. 申し込みをしたら数日でメールが送られます。 You receive my e-mail within a few days of your application. そのメールに予約サイトのURLが貼られています。 The URL of my booking page is attached to the e-mail. ******************************************* ******************************************* レッスンの予約時に 支払いが必要になります。 Payment is required when booking a lesson. クレジットカードかPayPalで お支払いできます。 You can pay by credit card or PayPal.

Video Podcast and Japanese Transcripts (Furigana Included/Excluded)

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