【インプロ】Hangry in New York: Learn Real Japanese Through a Couple’s Funny Improv | 異国で日本食が食べたくてケンカするカップルの会話 with YUYUの日本語Podcast #246

Practice Japanese with this fun improv of a hangry couple in New York! Their natural, unscripted conversation is full of real-life expressions and vocabulary, helping you improve your listening skills while enjoying a relatable and funny scenario.

【インプロ】Hangry in New York: Learn Real Japanese Through a Couple’s Funny Improv | 異国で日本食が食べたくてケンカするカップルの会話 with YUYUの日本語Podcast #246
Silver Penguin+ Members: Video Podcast and Japanese Transcripts (Furigana Included/Excluded)

単語 (Vocabulary)

感情・状態 (Emotions & States)

イライラする | To feel irritated, To be annoyed
お腹が減る (おなかがへる) | To be hungry, To feel hungry, To get hungry
うなだれる | To hang one's head, To slump
嫌だ / やだ (いやだ / やだ) | I don’t want to, I hate it
ギリギリ | Just barely, Almost
飽きる (あきる) | To be bored with, To get tired of
もったいない | Wasteful
わがまま | Selfishness, Self-centeredness, Being spoiled
頭が回らない (あたまがまわらない) | Can’t think straight, Can’t focus
最悪 (さいあく) | The worst, Terrible
無理 (むり) | Impossible, Can't do it, No way

小麦 (こむぎ) | Wheat
米 (こめ) | Rice
お茶漬け (おちゃづけ) | Rice in broth, Rice topped with savory broth
鯛茶漬け (たいちゃづけ) | Sea bream rice in broth
出汁 (だし) | Dashi (Japanese soup stock)
非常食 (ひじょうしょく) | Emergency food, Survival food
羊羹 (ようかん) | Yokan (sweet red bean jelly)
アメちゃん | Candy (dialect, often Kansai)

人間関係・行動 (Relationships & Actions)

男気を見せる (おとこぎをみせる) | To show masculinity, To show generosity (especially by paying for others)
奢る (おごる) | To treat (someone), To pay for (someone)
口実 (こうじつ) | Excuse, Pretext
周りの目 (まわりのめ) | Others' gaze, Public attention
置いていく (おいていく) | To leave someone / something behind
冷たい人 (つめたいひと) | Cold person, Indifferent person, Uncaring person
逃げる (にげる) | To avoid
おんぶする | To give a piggyback ride
口論する (こうろんする) | To argue, To quarrel
黙りこむ (だまりこむ) | To fall silent, To clam up
機嫌を直す (きげんをなおす) | To cheer up, To fix one’s mood
確約する (かくやくする) | To guarantee, To assure
つぶやく | To mutter, To murmur

会話の話題 (Conversation Topics)

Do you know any Japanese expressions that are useful for when you're hungry?

Have you ever felt, "I want food from my home country!" while living abroad? What was the situation?

How do you handle it when your friend or partner is hangry? Are you as kind as Yusuke?

Do you know how the words "meccha," "nanka," and "datte" are used in this conversation?

If this conversation were to continue, what do you think would happen next?

Did you find anything relatable in this conversation? What part did you find funny?



Video Podcast and Japanese Transcripts (Furigana Included/Excluded)

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