Workation in Hokkaido: Balancing Work and Nature #237

In this episode, I share my workation experience on Rishiri Island, Hokkaido. Learn why I chose this remote location, how I balanced work and vacation, and the benefits of workations in Japan. Plus, tips on using subsidies for affordable stays and how nature enriched my remote work life.

Workation in Hokkaido: Balancing Work and Nature #237
Silver Penguin+ Members: Video Podcast and Japanese Transcripts (Furigana Included/Excluded)

単語 (Vocabulary)

自然・環境 / Nature & Environment

  • 湿気 (しっけ) - Humidity
  • ジメジメ - Damp, Humid, Muggy (onomatopoeic expression)
  • ベトベト - Sticky, Clammy (onomatopoeic expression)
  • 眩しい (まぶしい) - Too bright, Blinding
  • 満天 (まんてん) - Full of stars, Starry sky
  • 申し分ない (もうしぶんない) - Perfect, Nothing to complain about

生活・住居 / Living & Housing

  • ベッドルーム - Bedroom
  • リビング - Living room
  • ダイニング - Dining room
  • キッチン - Kitchen
  • 宿 (やど) - Accommodation, Lodging
  • 1泊 (いっぱく) - One night (stay)
  • 自炊する (じすいする) - To cook for oneself

行政・社会 / Government & Society

  • 補助金 (ほじょきん) - Subsidy, Grant
  • 自治体 (じちたい) - Municipality, Local government
  • 申請する (しんせいする) - To apply
  • 人口 (じんこう) - Population
  • 過疎地 (かそち) - Depopulated area
  • 推進する (すいしんする) - To promote

仕事・活動 / Work & Activity

  • はかどる - To make good progress
  • 反射する (はんしゃする) - To reflect
  • 通称 (つうしょう) - Commonly known as
  • カチャカチャ - Click-clack, Clickety-clack (onomatopoeic expression)

職業・産業 / Occupation & Industry

  • 農業 (のうぎょう) - Agriculture, Farming
  • 漁業 (ぎょぎょう) - Fishing industry
  • さばく - To fillet (a fish), To clean (a fish)
  • 切り身 (きりみ) - Fillet
  • 盛ん (さかん) - Thriving, Active, Flourishing, Prosperous

会話の話題 (Conversation Topics)

What are your thoughts on the widespread adoption of remote work since the COVID-19 pandemic? How has it impacted your life or work?

Have you ever experienced a "workation"? If not, where would you like to try one?

What are your thoughts on the gap between the ideal and the reality of workations?

If you were to go on a workation, what kind of place would be ideal? How would you like to spend your time there?

If you were to go on a two-week workation, would you prefer to cook your own meals or eat out for every meal?


View the English summary of this episode

In this episode, I share my experience of a workation on Rishiri Island, located in the far north of Hokkaido, Japan. You’ll learn why I chose this remote island for my workation, how I balanced working remotely with exploring the beautiful surroundings, and why workations are becoming popular in Japan.

I also discuss how local government subsidies helped make my stay more affordable, turning what would normally be a costly accommodation into a budget-friendly option. For those considering a workation in Japan, I provide tips on how to access these benefits, even as a foreigner.

In addition to the practical aspects of working remotely, I share insights into what makes a successful workation, including the importance of fast internet, staying in a comfortable environment, and how to manage your time between work and relaxation.

I also reflect on the idealized vs. realistic side of workations, debunking the common image of working on a sunny beach. For me, having a quiet, indoor workspace made all the difference in keeping my productivity high.

Whether you're interested in workations, exploring rural Japan, or just curious about how to maintain a balance between work and life, this episode offers valuable insights into making the most of a remote work experience.

Video Podcast and Japanese Transcripts (Furigana Included/Excluded)

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