How Do Japanese People Stay Warm in Winter? with Miku #251

日本で寒さを凌ぐ方法!Explore how Japanese people tackle the cold winter months! From traditional kotatsu to modern heat tech and clever home hacks, this casual chat dives into winter warmth strategies in Japan. Stay warm with us!

How Do Japanese People Stay Warm in Winter? with Miku #251
Silver Penguin+ Members: Video Podcast and Japanese Transcripts (Furigana Included/Excluded)

単語 (Vocabulary)

Warmth and Winter Essentials

暖房 (だんぼう) | Heating
加湿器 (かしつき) | Humidifier
真冬 (まふゆ) | Midwinter
濡れる (ぬれる) | To get wet
蒸発する (じょうはつする) | To evaporate
カイロ | Disposable heating pad
貼る (はる) | To stick, To attach
浸かる (つかる) | To soak, To be submerged
ゆず | Yuzu (Japanese citrus fruit)

Clothing and Accessories

履く (はく) | To put on (shoes, pants), To wear
分厚い (ぶあつい) | Thick
靴下 (くつした) | Socks
あったかい / 暖かい (あたたかい) | Warm
あったまる / 温まる (あたたまる) | To warm up
ズボン | Pants, Trousers
かさばる | To be bulky
耳あて (みみあて) | Ear muffs

Everyday Life

こたつ | Kotatsu (Japanese heated table)
カゴ | Basket
新聞紙 (しんぶんし) | Newspaper
燃えるゴミ (もえるごみ) | Burnable garbage
分別する (ぶんべつする) | To sort, To separate

Expressions and Actions

恋しくなる (こいしくなる) | To miss, To long for
居座る (いすわる) | To linger
乗り切る (のりきる) | To get through, To overcome
豆知識 (まめちしき) | Trivia, Fun fact


救世主 (きゅうせいしゅ) | Savior
薄着 (うすぎ) | Light clothing
矛盾 (むじゅん) | Contradiction
第一優先 (だいいちゆうせん) | Top priority
薬局 (やっきょく) | Pharmacy, Drugstore
ドジ | Clumsy, Clumsy person

会話の話題 (Conversation Topics)

What are some common ways people in your country deal with the winter cold?

What’s the coldest experience you’ve ever had? How did you get through it?

Have you ever used heat tech or kairo (Japanese warming pads)?

What do you think about the Japanese bathing culture for staying warm?

Do you have any favorite winter fashion items that balance warmth and style?

日本の寒さ対策 / Winter Survival Tips in Japan


1. エアコンの暖房 / Air Conditioner Heating

Using air conditioners to heat an entire room is a common practice.

2. 濡れたタオルを干して加湿 / Hanging Wet Towels for Humidification

To counteract dryness from the heater, wet towels are hung to increase humidity.

3. ヒートテック / Heat Tech Clothing

UNIQLO’s Heat Tech series is very popular, especially the "Ultra Warm" type.

4. 貼るカイロと貼らないカイロ / Adhesive and Non-Adhesive Heating Pads

Use adhesive heating pads for your body or non-adhesive ones to warm your hands.

5. 小型ヒーター / Compact Heaters

Compact heaters are used to keep your feet warm.

6. 厚手の靴下 / Thick Socks

Wear thick socks to protect your feet from the cold.

7. こたつ / Kotatsu (Heated Table)

The kotatsu is a traditional heated table, perfect for relaxing with family or friends.

8. 耳を守るヘッドフォンや耳あて / Headphones or Earmuffs for Ear Protection

Headphones or earmuffs are great for protecting your ears from the cold when outside.

9. ゆず湯 / Yuzu Bath

Adding yuzu (Japanese citrus) to the bath helps you warm up and relax.

10. もこもこの靴下やスリッパ / Fluffy Socks and Slippers

Fluffy socks and slippers keep your feet warm indoors.

追加の工夫 / Extra Tips

  • 湿度と温度の管理 / Managing Humidity and Temperature
    Use a humidifier or air conditioner to maintain humidity (40-60%) and comfortable temperatures.

  • サンドイッチ方式のカイロ貼り / "Sandwich" Heating Pad Method
    Attach heating pads to both your back and stomach to keep your whole body warm.


冬至にはゆず風呂に入ります *本来はこんなにゆずをいれません😂笑

コタツムリ=カタツムリ🐌+コタツ 誰にも自慢したことありませんが、実はこのフリー素材モデルの大川さんとお会いしたことがあります。(2013年?)インターネット界ではレジェンドです。横浜まで来てくれました。いい人でした。今度、会話動画に出てもらいたいなぁ。
Miku Real Japanese
Miku is a talented creator and dear friend I admire. Her clear grammar videos and engaging interviews make learning Japanese fun and insightful. Always trying new things, her creativity inspires me. Check out her channel for top-tier content and cultural insights!

Video Podcast and Japanese Transcripts (Furigana Included/Excluded)

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