How to Enjoy Your Life: Rediscovering the Beauty of Human Connections #181

人生を楽しむ方法を思いだしたのでシェアします!Rediscovering Joy in a Digital Age: My Personal Journey Beyond 'Time Performance' to Cherish the Inefficiencies and Warmth of Human Connections

How to Enjoy Your Life: Rediscovering the Beauty of Human Connections #181
Silver Penguin+ Members: Video Podcast and Japanese Transcripts (Furigana Included/Excluded)

単語 (Vocabulary)

人生(じんせい) life
雰囲気(ふんいき) vibe; aura
()()い acquaintance
自分(じぶん)(から) my own shell
内向的(ないこうてき) introvert
(さそ)われる be invited
非難(ひなん)する to blame
時期(じき) period
日系(にっけい) Japanese descent
危険(きけん) dangerous
殺人鬼(さつじんき) serial killer
(かん) / 直観(ちょっかん) intuition
入院(にゅういん)する to be hospitalized
退院(たいいん)する to be discharged from the hospital
希望(きぼう) hope
機嫌(きげん)がいい be in a good
充実(じゅうじつ)した fulfilling
無駄(むだ) waste

会話の話題 (Conversation Topics)

Do you interact with strangers while traveling? Do you feel more open-minded when you're in a new place?

Are you the type to readily accept unexpected invitations? Why or why not?

How much do you rely on your intuition when meeting new people? Do you trust your gut feeling?

Do you believe that taking risks can lead to exciting experiences? Where do you draw the line?

The term "タイパ" was introduced. Have you ever prioritized efficiency so much that you missed out on deeper human interactions?

Do you have hobbies or activities that bring you immense happiness, but others might see as "wasteful"?

If you removed all the "waste" or "unnecessary" aspects of your life, what would be left? How would it change your daily life?

Understanding Active and Passive Voice in Japanese: "話しかける" vs. "話しかけられる"

When learning Japanese, one of the many intriguing facets of the language is the distinction between active and passive voice, especially when looking at verbs like "話しかける" and "話しかけられる".

1. Active Voice: "話しかける"

  • What's it about? In the active voice, the subject actively performs an action towards someone or something.
  • For instance, consider the sentence: 私は彼に話しかける。 This translates to "I speak to him." = I take the initiative to start a conversation

2. Passive Voice: "話しかけられる"

  • Here's the twist: in the passive voice, the subject is on the receiving end. They're being acted upon by someone else or affected by some external action.
  • You'll notice the passive voice in Japanese is often marked with auxiliary verbs like "られる" (rareru) or "れる" (reru). An example to illustrate this: 私は彼に話しかけられる。 Here, it means "He speaks to me/ I am spoken to by him/ He takes the initiative to start a conversation"

Final Thoughts

It's interesting to note that Japanese uses the passive voice more broadly than English. Beyond mere actions, it often conveys emotions or situations impacted by external factors.

褒(ほ)められる (To be praised)

Today, my boss praised the content of my presentation. It gave me confidence.

癒(いや)される (To be healed/soothed)

Over the weekend, I took a walk in the forest and felt soothed.

怒(おこ)られる (To be scolded)

During hiking, I always walk too fast and end up getting scolded by my wife.

Video Podcast and Japanese Transcripts (Furigana Included/Excluded)

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