Why Kenichi Might Be My Ideal Man—Japanese Vocab for Personality & Skills! #257

理想の男性?Could Kenichi from Around 40 Man’s Isekai Online Shopping (2025) be my ideal man? In this episode, I introduce Japanese words that go beyond やさしい (kind) and 頭がいい (smart)! Learn unique vocab like 適応力 (adaptability) and 利他的 (selfless) while breaking down Kenichi’s personality and skills.

Why Kenichi Might Be My Ideal Man—Japanese Vocab for Personality & Skills! #257
Silver Penguin+ Members: Video Podcast and Japanese Transcripts (Furigana Included/Excluded)

単語 (Vocabulary)

Personality & Character Traits | 性格・人柄

  • 地頭がいい (じあたまがいい) | Naturally intelligent, Quick thinker
    Someone who is naturally smart and can think flexibly. Unlike 頭がいい (being book-smart), this refers to practical intelligence and problem-solving skills.

  • 適応力がある (てきおうりょくがある) | Adaptable
    The ability to adjust quickly to new environments or situations. Many isekai protagonists have this trait!

  • 頭の回転が速い (あたまのかいてんがはやい) | Quick-witted, Sharp
    Someone who can process information quickly and make smart decisions. It can also describe people who are good at witty conversations or quick mental calculations.

  • 利他的 (りたてき) | Altruistic
    Putting others before oneself and acting selflessly. A person with this trait helps others without expecting anything in return. The opposite is 利己的.

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