Japan's Economic Path: Choices and Consequences #240

Moshi Moshi Yusuke discusses Japan's unique economic choices over the last 30 years, contrasting them with Western strategies. Discover why Japan took a different approach and the potential implications for the future, from space development to addressing the declining birthrate.

Japan's Economic Path: Choices and Consequences #240
Silver Penguin+ Members: Video Podcast and Japanese Transcripts (Furigana Included/Excluded)

A quick note: Many Japanese people tend to avoid discussing politics, and I’m one of them. I only talk about it with very close friends. I recommend having these kinds of conversations only if you’re confident in your relationship with the person (or if you’re sure you’ll never see them again 😅)

単語 (Vocabulary)

政治・経済 (Politics & Economy)

  • 政治 (せいじ) - Politics
  • 景気 (けいき) - Economic conditions
  • 予想する (よそうする) - To predict, To forecast
  • 対策をとる (たいさくをとる) - To take measures, To take action
  • 宇宙開発 (うちゅうかいはつ) - Space development
  • 投資する (とうしする) - To invest
  • 投資 (とうし) - Investment
  • 政策 (せいさく) - Policy
  • 犯罪者 (はんざいしゃ) - Criminal
  • 政府 (せいふ) - Government

社会・人口 (Society & Population)

  • 人口 (じんこう) - Population
  • 移民 (いみん) - Immigrant
  • 正解 (せいかい) - Correct answer
  • 特化する (とっかする) - To specialize
  • ヘイトスピーチ - Hate speech
  • 維持する (いじする) - To maintain
  • 極端 (きょくたん) - Extreme
  • 国力 (こくりょく) - National strength
  • 不良 (ふりょう) - Troublemaker
  • 警察 (けいさつ) - Police

経営・企業 (Business & Enterprises)

  • 最善策 (さいぜんさく) - Best solution
  • 衰退する (すいたいする) - To decline, To deteriorate
  • 安全地帯 (あんぜんちたい) - Safe zone
  • 立地 (りっち) - Location
  • 人材 (じんざい) - Human resources, Talent
  • 中小企業 (ちゅうしょうきぎょう) - Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
  • 少子化 (しょうしか) - Declining birthrate
  • 貢献する (こうけんする) - To contribute
  • 今更 (いまさら) - At this point, Too late
  • 定年を迎える (ていねんをむかえる) - To reach retirement age

投資・財政 (Investment & Finance)

  • 先行投資 (せんこうとうし) - Early investment
  • 国債 (こくさい) - Government bonds
  • 回収する (かいしゅうする) - To recover, To collect
  • 有効 (ゆうこう) - Effective
  • 政治理論 (せいじりろん) - Political theory

日常会話・感情 (Everyday Conversation & Emotions)

  • 億劫 (おっくう) - Troublesome, Bothersome
  • 応募 (おうぼ) - Application
  • 不利 (ふり) - Disadvantageous
  • 本気 (ほんき) - Serious
  • 人生相談 (じんせいそうだん) - Life counseling

会話の話題 (Conversation Topics)

What do you think about Japan choosing a "do nothing" economic policy? Do you think Japan should have taken more proactive measures like other countries?

Yusuke-san mentioned that Europe's immigration policy was a "failure." What are your thoughts on this? Please explain your reasoning.

What impact do you think Japan's reluctance to accept immigrants will have on the country's development in the long term?

What do you think about the proposal to provide 10 million yen per child? Do you think this could be a solution to Japan's declining birthrate?

What is your opinion on the idea that Japan's low cost of living may lead to an increase in "troublemaking foreigners"? Do you think any measures are necessary?

Which industrial sectors do you think Japan should invest in to make the most of its small and medium-sized enterprises' technical skills and work ethic?

Video Podcast and Japanese Transcripts (Furigana Included/Excluded)

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