The Relaxing World of Head Spa #236

Discover the world of "Head Spa," a unique Japanese head massage experience offered at salons. Learn about its benefits, what to expect, and tips for booking your own session in Japan. Perfect for those curious about Japanese culture and looking to relax!

The Relaxing World of Head Spa #236
Silver Penguin+ Members: Video Podcast and Japanese Transcripts (Furigana Included/Excluded)

単語 (Vocabulary)

  • 美容室 / 美容院 (びようしつ / びよういん) - Hair salon
  • 頭皮 (とうひ) - Scalp
  • 髪 / 髪の毛 (かみ / かみのけ) - Hair
  • シャンプー - Shampoo
  • マッサージ - Massage
  • トリートメント - Hair treatment, Conditioner
  • カット - Haircut
  • セット - Styling
  • 仕上げ (しあげ) - Finishing, Final touch
  • 美容師 (びようし) - Hair stylist, Hairdresser
  • 施術 (せじゅつ) - Treatment, Procedure
  • 痒い (かゆい) - Itchy
  • お湯 (おゆ) - Hot water
  • 温度 (おんど) - Temperature
  • 予約 (よやく) - Reservation, Booking

身体の姿勢・動作 (Posture and Movement)

  • 前のめり (まえのめり) - Leaning forward
  • 姿勢 (しせい) - Posture

サービス業・接客 (Service Industry and Customer Service)

  • サービス業 (さーびすぎょう) - Service industry
  • お見送り (おみおくり) - Send-off, Seeing someone off
  • おもてなし - Hospitality

その他 (Other)

  • ペラペラ - Fluent in language
  • 女王様 (じょおうさま) - Queen
  • 王様 (おうさま) - King

会話の話題 (Conversation Topics)

Do you like massages?

Is there a service similar to Head Spa in your country?

Are there any beauty or relaxation treatments you would like to try in Japan? Recently, I tried acupuncture. Are you interested in that?

Using smartphones and computers often leads to bad posture; do you do anything to take care of it?

What do you think about the phrase "Otsukaresama deshita" commonly used in Japanese salons? Also, how are you typically seen off when leaving a salon in your country?


View the English summary of this episode

In this episode, I explore the unique Japanese experience of "Head Spa," a popular scalp massage treatment offered primarily in beauty salons. Head Spa is more than just a massage; it’s a rejuvenating experience that cares for your scalp and hair while providing deep relaxation. I share my personal experience at a private salon, describing each step of the process—from shampooing and scalp massage to treatment and styling.

I also discuss common phrases used during the service, like "Is the pressure okay?" and "How is the water temperature?" which can help you feel more comfortable during your visit. Additionally, I provide tips for booking your Head Spa appointment, including how to use popular booking platforms like Hot Pepper Beauty, even if you don't speak much Japanese.

I delve into why Head Spa has gained popularity, especially as people deal with the strain of daily smartphone and computer use, which often leads to poor posture and tension in the head and shoulders. This episode highlights the growing demand for such relaxing treatments in Japan and suggests that introducing Head Spa in other countries could be a great business opportunity.

Finally, I share some unique aspects of Japanese service culture, such as the courteous "Otsukaresama deshita" said by stylists, and reflect on the exceptional customer service that makes you feel like royalty. Tune in to learn about this soothing aspect of Japanese culture, and discover why it’s a must-try experience when you visit Japan!

Video Podcast and Japanese Transcripts (Furigana Included/Excluded)

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