Beneath Your Feet: The World of Decorative Manhole Covers in Japan #213

Beneath Your Feet: The World of Decorative Manhole Covers in Japan #213

マンホール巡りをしてみましょう!Discover Japan's unique manhole covers, featuring everything from local delicacies to historical landmarks, and see how these urban elements blend tradition with creativity.

Silver Penguin+ Members: Video Podcast and Japanese Transcripts (Furigana Included/Excluded)

単語 (Vocabulary)

マンホール- Manhole
地元 (じもと) - Hometown
種類 (しゅるい) - Type, Kind
巡る (めぐる) - To tour, To visit
スタンプラリー - Stamp rally
観光地 (かんこうち) - Tourist spot
作者 (さくしゃ) - Creator
出身 (しゅっしん) - Origin, From
下水 (げすい) - Sewage
蓋 (ふた) - Lid
イメージアップ- Improving one's image
マンホーラー Manhole enthusiast
蓋女 (ふたじょ) - Female manhole enthusiast
集める (あつめる) - To collect
注目する (ちゅうもくする) - To pay attention to, To focus on
観光案内所 (かんこうあんないじょ) - Tourist information center

会話の話題 (Conversation Topics)

What catches your eye when you're walking around?

Which design of Japanese manhole covers do you find most interesting?

What kind of manhole cover design do you think would perfectly suit your hometown or the town you live in?

Do you have any hobbies that involve collecting items, similar to collecting manhole cards?

うどん県×ヤドン「ヤドンパラダイス in 香川 2019」、秋の企画が10/1(火)からスタート!|ポケモンだいすきクラブ
Kinnikuman - Wikipedia

Video Podcast and Japanese Transcripts (Furigana Included/Excluded)

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