Insights from a Native Speaker: My Japanese Language Learning Journey #155

Insights from a Native Speaker: My Japanese Language Learning Journey #155
Photo by Joseph Chan / Unsplash

私が日本語をインプット、アウトプットするときに意識していること。 Gain valuable insights from a native speaker on building rich vocabulary, effective communication, and language learning techniques to help take your Japanese to the next level!

Silver Penguin+ Members: Video Podcast and Japanese Transcripts (Furigana Included/Excluded)

単語 (Vocabulary)

語彙(ごい)豊富(ほうふ) rich vocabulary
()(かさ)なる accumulate
()(まわ)し expression
(るい)(とも)()ぶ Birds of a feather flock together
例文(れいぶん) model sentence
()()える put another way
(たと)(ばなし) analogy

会話の話題 (Conversation Topics)

How do you think using the language you're learning in everyday life affects how you use your native language?

What methods do you use to learn new words and expressions? Please give specific examples, such as reading books, listening to podcasts, or using dictionaries.

What do you think is the most effective method for learning Japanese? Do you have any recommendations for other Japanese learners?

Please try explaining your culture and customs in Japanese.


About the electronic dictionaries I use:

アプリ 辞書 by 物書堂 Dictionaries by Monokakido

三省堂国語辞典 Sanseido Japanese Dictionary 
Features: Strong in recent words and computer terms; concise explanations.

Features: Ruby characters on kanji make it easy for learners to read; substantial and in-depth; useful for deeply understanding the meanings and usages of words.

Printed Dictionary

研究社 日本語口語表現辞典 Kenkyusha's Dictionary of Japanese Colloquial Expressions
Features: As the title suggests, it focuses on expressions used in conversation rather than written language.

Episode Summary

Hi, I'm Sayuri. Today, I want to talk about how I study Japanese, even though I'm a native speaker.

As a native Japanese speaker, you might think it's strange for me to study Japanese, but being a native speaker doesn't necessarily mean I can speak perfect Japanese. Like in any language, some people have a richer vocabulary and better expressions, and I aspire to be like that.

I lived in Canada for a while, and during that time, my daily life was in English. This influenced my Japanese, making it somewhat affected by English. However, after returning to Japan and living here for three years, my Japanese has become much more natural.

Here's how I improve my Japanese:

1. Input:

  • Listen to Japanese conversations around me, especially from people who aren't influenced by foreign cultures.
  • Read popular books in Japan to understand contemporary language and expressions.
  • Listen to Japanese podcasts, particularly those that don't focus on international topics.
  • Use multiple dictionaries to look up definitions and examples to understand different nuances.

2. Output:

  • Write daily journals and notes in Japanese.
  • Write reviews of books I read in Japanese.
  • Practice speaking Japanese as much as possible, explaining things in different ways to ensure clear communication.
  • Use analogies to help others understand my points better.

Although I don't watch a lot of dramas, I recommend them because they provide context with visual and situational language that books alone can't offer.

I hope my methods can give you some useful tips. Thanks for listening!

Video Podcast and Japanese Transcripts (Furigana Included/Excluded)

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