単語 (Vocabulary)
大掃除 (おおそうじ) - Year-end cleaning, similar to spring cleaning
マンション- Apartment or condominium
ベランダ - Balcony
汚れ (よごれ) - Dirt
タイル - Tile
洗剤 (せんざい) - Detergent
水回り (みずまわり) - Places where water is used, like bathrooms and kitchens
漂白剤 (ひょうはくざい) - Bleach
カビ mold
水切りワイパー(みずきりワイパー) Squeegee
換気 (かんき) - Ventilation
家事代行サービス (かじだいこうサービス) - Housekeeping service
掃除代行 (そうじだいこう) - Cleaning service
家事 (かじ) - Housework
茶渋 (しゃしぶ) - Tea stain
まな板 (まないた) - Cutting board
雑巾 (ぞうきん) - Rag, dust cloth
リサイクル - Recycling
中古品 (ちゅうこひん) - Second-hand goods
会話の話題 (Conversation Topics)
When do you usually do your big cleaning at home?
Have you ever used a cleaning or housekeeping service? What did you think?
Do you prefer regular cleaning or doing it all at once?
When you clean, how do you decide what to keep and what to discard?