風邪の症状 (Symptoms of a Cold)
日本語 | English |
熱がある | To have a fever |
熱が出る | To develop a fever |
咳が出る | To have a cough |
鼻水が出る | To have a runny nose |
くしゃみが出る | To sneeze |
痰が出る | To cough up phlegm |
身体の症状 (Physical Symptoms)
日本語 | English |
体がだるい | To feel sluggish/weary |
頭が痛い | To have a headache |
頭痛がする | To have a headache |
下痢になる | To have diarrhea |
便秘になる | To become constipated |
その他の症状 (Other Symptoms)
日本語 | English |
扁桃腺が腫れる | To have swollen tonsils |
体調が悪い | To feel unwell |
具合が悪い | To feel sick |
体調を崩す | To lose one’s health |
体調不良 | Poor physical condition |
ものもらいができる | To have a sty |
目が乾燥する | To have dry eyes |
体が重い | To feel heavy/tired |
単語 (Vocabulary)
Have you caught a cold recently? What symptoms have you experienced with previous colds?
When you think you have caught a cold, what is the first thing you do?
Do you think work and stress affect your health? Have you had any experiences with this?
What do you think about the importance of taking breaks? Do you sometimes find it difficult to rest?