Letting Go: Things We Discarded for a Better Life with Miku #226 #227

Miku and I are talking about the things we've let go of to improve our lives, from old habits to sentimental items. Tune in to hear our personal stories and tips on how letting go can lead to a happier, more fulfilling life. Join us for a heartfelt chat!

Letting Go: Things We Discarded for a Better Life with Miku #226 #227
Photo by Ankush Minda / Unsplash
Silver Penguin+ Members: Video Podcast and Japanese Transcripts (Furigana Included/Excluded)

単語 (Vocabulary)

生活の改善 (Improving Life)

  • 手放す(てばなす) - to let go
  • 捨てる(すてる) - to throw away
  • 習慣(しゅうかん) - habit
  • 考え方(かんがえかた) - way of thinking
  • 受け入れる(うけいれる) - to accept
  • 笑う(わらう) - to laugh
  • ときめく - to spark joy
  • エネルギー - energy
  • 瞑想(めいそう) - meditation
  • 話し合う(はなしあう) - to discuss
  • 元カレ(もとかれ) - ex-boyfriend
  • 元カノ(もとかの) - ex-girlfriend

物・整理 (Items & Organization)

  • 物質的(ぶっしつてき) - material
  • 思い出(おもいで) - memory
  • 手紙(てがみ) - letter
  • 仕分け(しわけ) - sorting
  • タンス - wardrobe
  • やかん - kettle
  • コンロ - stove
  • 家電(かでん) - home appliance
  • 引っ越し(ひっこし) - moving (house)
  • 狭い(せまい) - narrow, small

会話の話題 (Conversation Topics)

Have you recently gotten rid of something that you felt good about?

What criteria do you use when deciding to throw something away?

What do you do with things given to you by an ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend?

Have you ever used the KonMari method? How effective was it?

When you start a new habit, do you ever discard an old one?

What is the KonMari Method™ ?

The KonMari Method is a simple but effective tidying method, ensuring you will never again relapse to clutter. It uses a unique selection criterion – choosing what sparks joy! You are not choosing what to discard but rather choosing to keep only the items that speak to your heart. Through tidying, you can reset your life and spend the rest of your life surrounded by the people and things that you love the most. 

About the KonMari Method – KonMari | The Official Website of Marie Kondo

My Experience at a Meditation Retreat

During my meditation retreat, I spent 10 days without using my smartphone, completely cutting off contact with the outside world to focus on my inner self. This experience allowed me to reevaluate my life overwhelmed by information and realize the importance of not being overly influenced by the news. *It's quite intense, so I wouldn't recommend it to everyone.

Vipassana Meditation

Miku Real Japaneseのチャンネルをチェック!


Miku Real Japanese
Hi, I’m Miku. My mission is to teach Japanese in fun and effective way! I’d like to connect Japan and the world. I hope my videos can help people who love Japan and Japanese language. Thank you so much for learning my language!

How Meditation Changed My Perspective on Life
10日間の瞑想合宿に行ってきました。I went to a 10-day meditation camp.
Chat about Meditation with Mizuki
お坊さんの息子さんが語る瞑想の旅。 His father is a Japanese monk? A backpacker who has traveled the world talks about meditation.

Video Podcast and Japanese Transcripts (Furigana Included/Excluded)

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