Mercari Mania: Navigating Japan's Thriving Flea Market Apps! #195

日本の画期的なフリマアプリを紹介します!Although Japan is often considered behind in software development, I think Mercari is quite innovative! This flea market app thrives due to Japan's excellent delivery system. Let's learn about the words and expressions used for buying and selling items online.

Mercari Mania: Navigating Japan's Thriving Flea Market Apps! #195
Silver Penguin+ Members: Video Podcast and Japanese Transcripts (Furigana Included/Excluded)

単語 (Vocabulary)

出品する (しゅっぴんする) - To List (for sale)
購入する(こうにゅうする)- To purchase
バーコード (ばーこーど) - Barcode
スキャンする (すきゃんする) - To Scan
商品情報 (しょうひんじょうほう) - Product Information
匿名配送 (とくめいはいそう) - Anonymous Delivery
配送業者 (はいそうぎょうしゃ) - Delivery Service Provider
個人情報 (こじんじょうほう) - Personal Information
発送 (はっそう) - To Ship
送料 (そうりょう) - Shipping Cost
出品者 (しゅっぴんしゃ) - Seller
購入者 (こうにゅうしゃ) - Buyer
テンプレート (てんぷれーと) - Template
アルゴリズム (あるごりずむ) - Algorithm
ガジェット (がじぇっと) - Gadget
新品 (しんぴん) - New
中古 (ちゅうこ)- Used

会話の話題 (Conversation Topics)

How do you dispose of books that you no longer need or will not read again?

Is there anything you would like to sell on a flea market app? What kind of items are they?

What makes you hesitate to use a flea market app?

Do you think the Japanese delivery system would work in your country? Why or Why not?

Video Podcast and Japanese Transcripts (Furigana Included/Excluded)

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