単語 (Vocabulary)
ムキムキ - Muscular, Buff
上半身裸 - Topless
語尾 - Sentence ending, suffix
接客 - Customer service
プロテイン - Protein shake; powder
ダンベル- Dumbbell
飲み放題 - All-you-can-drink
お通し - Appetizer, Table charge dish
上腕二頭筋 - Biceps
腕立て伏せ - Push-ups
注射器 - Syringe
動物園 - Zoo
お姫様抱っこ - Princess carry
会話の話題 (Conversation Topics)
Would you like to visit a Muscle Bar? Why or why not?
Do you have any unique bars or cafes in your area? What makes them unique?
Pikachu often ends its sentences with "Pika". Do you have a favorite sentence ending?
How do you feel about the benefits and drawbacks of experiential activities like traveling, concerts, or workshops?
What social or cultural background do you think exists behind such unique services being offered?