単語 (Vocabulary)
実際 (じっさい) - Actually, reality
一対一 (いったいいち) - One-on-one
定着させる (ていちゃくさせる) - To establish, To consolidate Consolidation, Becoming established
不自然 (ふしぜん) - Unnatural
たまに (たまに) - Occasionally, From time to time
標識 (ひょうしき) - Sign (mostly for road)
時間との戦い (じかんとのたたかい) - Race against time
書き言葉 (かきことば) - Written language
母語 (ぼご) - Native language, Mother tongue
直接的 (ちょくせつてき) - Direct
直訳 (ちょくやく) - Literal translation
偉そう (えらそう) - Arrogant, Bossy
上から目線 (うえからめせん) - Condescending, Talking down
知らせる (しらせる) - To inform, To let know
意図 (いと) - Intention
会話の話題 (Conversation Topics)
Have you ever felt a difference between expressions learned in textbooks and those used in everyday conversation?
What are the difficult aspects of studying the "te-form" in Japanese?
Could you share some Japanese expressions you have learned from actual conversations?
Have you ever experienced a failure in communication when directly translating an expression from your native language into Japanese? What was the expression?

must not, prohibition