単語 (Vocabulary)
引っ越し - Moving
バタバタしている - Being busy
走り回る - To run around
オノマトペ - Onomatopoeia
家具 - Furniture
椅子 - Chair
机 - Desk
ソファー - Sofa
オットマン - Ottoman
足/脚- Foot/Leg
足置き椅子 - Footrest chair
夫 - Husband
強い - Strong
新居 - New house
冗談 - Joke
会話の話題 (Conversation Topics)
"What is your favorite piece of furniture? Please also tell me why."
"What is a new Japanese word you've learned recently?"
"How do you think foreign words like "ottoman" impact Japanese?"
"What would your ideal new home be like? What would you need in that new home?"