単語 (Vocabulary)
特徴 - Feature
はっきり - Clearly
早口 - Fast-talking
通じる - To be understood
地方都市 - Regional city
印象 - Impression
主張 - Assertion, claim
23区 - 23 wards of Tokyo
遊びに行く - To go for fun, to hang out
喋る - To talk, to chat
声が小さい - Soft-spoken, low voice
人が多い - Crowded, many people
会話の話題 (Conversation Topics)
What differences do you notice in the way people from Tokyo and those from regional areas speak?
How do you think the fast pace of life in Tokyo, as a business city, impacts individuals?
What is your personal impression of Tokyo and its residents?
関連する投稿 (Related Posts)