ニュースでよく見る関連単語: 物価高騰(ぶっかこうとう)、物価上昇(ぶっかじょうじょう)
Silver Penguin+ Members: Video Podcast and Japanese Transcripts (Furigana Included/Excluded)単語 (Vocabulary)
値段 price
世界中 worldwide
光熱費 lighting and heating fees
資源 resources
輸入 import
材料 material
~に頼っている rely on
乳製品 dairy
餌 feed
自動販売機 vending machine
水筒 water bottle
妥当 appropriate;reasonable
玄米 brown rice
経済アナリスト economic analyst
判断 decision
給料 income, pay
落ち着く settle down
会話の話題 (Conversation Topics)
How have global economic trends in areas like energy, food, and transportation affected the cost of living in your country?
Have you made any changes in response to these price hikes, such as altering your diet, transportation methods, or leisure activities?
Comparing the situation in Japan as discussed in the podcast, how is your country responding to economic challenges? What are the similarities and differences?
What are your predictions for the economic situation in Japan and globally over the next few years?