'Ranuki' Words: The Evolution and Nuances of Japanese Potential Verbs #182

ら抜き言葉について考えてみました。 Discover the evolution, nuances, and cultural shifts behind these potential verbs. A must-read for every language enthusiast!

'Ranuki' Words: The Evolution and Nuances of Japanese Potential Verbs #182
Silver Penguin+ Members: Video Podcast and Japanese Transcripts (Furigana Included/Excluded)

単語 (Vocabulary)

動詞(どうし) verb
可能(かのう)(けい) potential form
省略(しょうりゃく)される be omitted
戦後(せんご) postwar
正式(せいしき)() formal setting
意図的(いとてき)に intentionally
実話(じつわ) true story
政府(せいふ) government
傾向(けいこう) tendency
結婚式(けっこんしき) wedding
仕事(しごと)面接(めんせつ) job Interviews

会話の話題 (Conversation Topics)

In your native language, are there phenomena similar to the "Ranuki" words in Japanese?

In daily conversations, do you pay attention to word choice and nuances? Or not? Why is that?

In your country, are there official studies or reports on the changes and characteristics of the language?

How do you think languages will evolve in the future?

国語に関する世論調査 | 文化庁

Video Podcast and Japanese Transcripts (Furigana Included/Excluded)

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