Silver Penguin+ Members: Japanese Transcripts (Furigana Included/Excluded)
単語 (Vocabulary)
在宅勤務 - Work from home
出社 - Going to the office
コワーキングスペース - Coworking space
勤務先 - Workplace
元々 - Originally
会社員 - Company employee
個人事業主 - Sole proprietor
同僚 - Colleague
レンタルオフィス - Rental office
旅行客 - Traveler
時間単位 - Hourly
集中 - Concentration
会話の話題 (Conversation Topics)
Which do you find more efficient, remote work or going into the office?
What benefits do you find in using a coworking space?
Has your work style changed in the wake of the pandemic?
What do you need to create your ideal work environment?
Do you feel better suited to working as a company employee or as a freelancer?