My Workation in Saga: Local Supermarket Finds & Daily Life

For our premium Penguin members 🐧❤️佐賀でワーケーション始めました。I’ve arrived in Saga for a two-week workation! In this video, I share my first impressions of this underrated prefecture and show the everyday essentials I picked up from a local supermarket. Join me as I dive into the simple joys of life in Saga!

My Workation in Saga: Local Supermarket Finds & Daily Life

2025年の節分の日は2月2日でした。この動画を撮影した日です。近年の日本では恵方巻きを食べる習慣があります。Setsubun in 2025 was on February 2nd, which is the day I filmed this video. In recent years, it's become new tradition in Japan to eat Ehomaki on Setsubun. 動画内では恵方巻きの他にも日本のスーパーで見られるものを紹介しています。In this video, besides Ehomaki, I also introduce various items you can find in a Japanese supermarket.


When Did Japanese People Start Eating Ehomaki?

Ehomaki became a common tradition across Japan in the late 1990s, thanks to convenience store marketing!

Originally a Kansai region custom, Ehomaki was first sold by 7-Eleven in Hiroshima in 1989. After it became popular locally, 7-Eleven expanded sales nationwide in 1998, using the name "Ehomaki." The unique practice of eating a whole sushi roll silently while facing the lucky direction caught people’s attention. Media coverage further boosted its popularity.

As other convenience stores and supermarkets followed, Ehomaki quickly became a widely recognized part of Japan's Setsubun celebrations.

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