Tax Season in Japan: The Basics and My Experiences as a Sole Proprietor #153

Tax Season in Japan: The Basics and My Experiences as a Sole Proprietor #153
Photo by StellrWeb / Unsplash

確定申告について I talk about tax season in Japan as a sole proprietor, explaining the basics of filing tax returns and sharing my experiences compared to filing taxes in Canada.

Silver Penguin+ Members: Video Podcast and Japanese Transcripts (Furigana Included/Excluded)

単語 (Vocabulary)

専門家(せんもんか) expert
収入(しゅうにゅう) income
条件(じょうけん) condition
申告(しんこく)する declare
書類(しょるい) documents
従業(じゅうぎょう)(いん) employee
()わりに Instead of
保険(ほけん) insurance
住宅(じゅうたく)ローン mortgage
税理士(ぜいりし) licensed tax accountant
計算(けいさん) calculation
複雑(ふくざつ)になる become complicated
取引(とりひき) transactions
節税(せつぜい) tax avoidance
()っても()(はな)せない inseparable

会話の話題 (Conversation Topics)

What preparations do you make when doing your own tax returns?

How is the tax filing process conducted in your country? Are there any differences between employees and individual business owners?

What are your thoughts on using accounting software or hiring a tax accountant for tax filing? What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages?

Japan has an interesting tax system called "Furusato Nouzei" (Hometown Tax Donation). Have you heard of it? If you have, try explaining it! If not, read an article about it and practice explaining it in your own words!

What is Furusato Nouzei?ふるさと納税って?

"Furusato Nouzei," or Hometown Tax Donation, is a unique system in Japan that allows taxpayers to contribute to municipalities other than where they live. For example, if you're living in Tokyo but want to support Otaru in Hokkaido, you can do so through this system. Here's how it works:

  1. Choose a Municipality: You select a municipality to support, such as Otaru in Hokkaido. This can be anywhere in Japan, not necessarily your hometown.
  2. Make a Donation: You donate a certain amount to your chosen municipality. This donation is often made online through various platforms that list different municipalities and their specific projects or needs.
  3. Receive Tax Deductions and Gifts: In return for your donation, you receive tax deductions for the following year. The deduction amount depends on your income and the size of the donation. Additionally, as a token of gratitude, many municipalities send thank-you gifts, which could range from local specialties to handicrafts. For example, donating to Otaru might get you local seafood or traditional crafts from the region.
  4. Filling Tax Returns: When filing your tax returns, you declare these donations. The tax office then calculates the amount that will be deducted from your taxable income.

In summary, through Furusato Nouzei, you can support various localities across Japan, receive tax benefits, and often get unique local products as a thank-you gesture. This system encourages taxpayers to contribute to the development of different regions and also helps them discover local specialties from across the country.

Video Podcast and Japanese Transcripts (Furigana Included/Excluded)

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