単語 (Vocabulary)
感情・表情 (Emotions & Expressions)
- 笑顔 (えがお) - Smile
- ニコニコ - Smiling cheerfully, Grinning
- 真顔 (まがお) - Serious face
- ヘラヘラ - Foolishly grinning, Smirking
- 機嫌が悪い (きげんがわるい) - In a bad mood
- 切ない (せつない) - Heartbreaking, Bittersweet
- 深刻 (しんこく) - Serious, Grave
コミュニケーション・表現 (Communication & Expression)
- 抑揚 (よくよう) - Intonation, Modulation
- 表情 (ひょうじょう) - Facial expression
- 演じる (えんじる) - To act, To perform
- 喜怒哀楽 (きどあいらく) - Emotions (joy, anger, sorrow, and pleasure)
- 喧嘩 (けんか) - Argument, Fight
- 表現 (ひょうげん) - Expression
人間関係・社会的な役割 (Relationships & Social Roles)
- 道行く人 (みちゆくひと) - Passersby
- 人によりけり (ひとによりけり) - It depends on the person
- 性格 (せいかく) - Personality, Character
- 性別 (せいべつ) - Gender
- 上司 (じょうし) - Boss, Superior
- 部下 (ぶか) - Subordinate, Junior staff
文化・社会 (Culture & Society)
- 死語 (しご) - Obsolete term, Outdated language
- 生きづらい (いきづらい) - Difficult to live, Hard to cope with
- 時代が追いつく (じだいがおいつく) - The times are catching up
- 違い (ちがい) - Difference
行動・習慣 (Actions & Habits)
- 口をゆすぐ (くちをゆすぐ) - To rinse one’s mouth
- 痛感する (つうかんする) - To deeply realize, Keenly feel
- ボコボコにする - To beat up, Rough up
- 武器 (ぶき) - Weapon, Tool
自己表現・能力 (Self-Expression & Abilities)
- 才能 (さいのう) - Talent, Ability
- 流暢 (りゅうちょう) - Fluent, Smooth
- 真面目 (まじめ) - Serious, Earnest
慣用句・フレーズ (Idioms & Phrases)
- 得する (とくする) - To gain, Benefit
- 褒める (ほめる) - To compliment, Praise
- 定型文 (ていけいぶん) - Standard phrase, Set expression
会話の話題 (Conversation Topics)
Do you value smiling? If so, why?
Have you ever felt differences in how smiling is perceived in your culture compared to other cultures?
What do you think about the saying, "Men need courage, women need charm"?
When you have a serious expression, how do people usually react to you?
How do you convey smiles or emotions in messages or emails?