A Bowl of Tokyo Ramen: Discovering Language and Etiquette #163

どんな時に誰とラーメンを食べますか?東京のラーメン屋で経験したことをシェアします。Learn about the ticket machine ordering process, the minimal interaction with staff, and the emphasis on efficiency in these fast-paced ramen shops.

A Bowl of Tokyo Ramen: Discovering Language and Etiquette #163
Silver Penguin+ Members: Japanese Transcripts (Furigana Included/Excluded)

単語 (Vocabulary)

券売機(けんばいき) - Ticket vending machine
カウンター - Counter
激戦区(げきせんく) - Highly competitive area
交流(こうりゅう) - Interaction
効率的(こうりつてき) - Efficient
回転(かいてん)(りつ) - Turnover rate
ビジネス(がい) - Business district
期待(きたい) - Expectation
勝負(しょうぶ) - Competition
接客(せっきゃく)態度(たいど) - Customer service attitude

会話の話題 (Conversation Topics)

どんな(とき)ラーメン()()()きますか? どんな状況(じょうきょう)気分(きぶん)(とき)(おお)いですか?
When do you usually go to a ramen restaurant? What kind of situations or moods prompt you to do so?

Do you ever go to eat ramen alone?

When you dine out with friends, what kind of meals do you typically choose?

How do you choose a restaurant? Do you rely on Google Reviews, Tabelog, or some other method? What are your criteria for choosing?

食べログ https://tabelog.com/tokyo/A1314/A131401/13262013/
Google https://goo.gl/maps/RMJpzz7t6t7z2pS79

Japanese Transcripts (Furigana Included/Excluded)

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