Usuki: Japan’s Peaceful Castle Town with Ancient Buddhas #256

Looking for a peaceful getaway in Japan? Usuki, a hidden gem in Oita, offers ancient stone Buddhas, a historic castle town, and beautiful countryside. In this episode, I share my personal journey through this charming town—perfect for those seeking a quiet escape from Japan’s crowded tourist spots.

Usuki: Japan’s Peaceful Castle Town with Ancient Buddhas #256
Silver Penguin+ Members: Video Podcast and Japanese Transcripts (Furigana Included/Excluded)

単語 (Vocabulary)

経済・観光・旅行関連 (Economy, Tourism & Travel)

  • 円安 (えんやす) | Yen depreciation
  • 経済を潤す (けいざいをうるおす) | To boost the economy
  • 観光地 (かんこうち) | Tourist spot, Tourist destination, Sightseeing spot
  • 観光案内所 (かんこうあんないじょ) | Tourist information center
  • ついでに | While you're at it, Since you're there
  • 寄り道する (よりみちする) | To make a detour
  • 醍醐味 (だいごみ) | The real pleasure, The best part

地理・歴史・文化関連 (Geography, History & Culture)

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