単語 (Vocabulary)
無人(むじん) - Unmanned
古着(ふるぎ) - Secondhand clothes
無人販売(むじんはんばい) - Unmanned sales
流行(りゅうこう) - Trend
若者(わかもの) - Young people
Z世代(ぜっとせだい) - Gen Z
個性(こせい) - Individuality
試着室(しちゃくしつ) - Fitting room
支払い(しはらい) - Payment
自動販売機(じどうはんばいき) - Vending machine
均一価格(きんいつかかく) - Flat price
輸入(ゆにゅう) - Import
ヴィンテージ - Vintage
掘り出し物(ほりだしもの) - Bargain; hidden gem
冷蔵(れいぞう) - Refrigerated
原価(げんか) - Cost price
手間(てま) - Effort, Labor
会話の話題 (Conversation Topics)
Do you like buying second-hand clothes? What kind of items do you usually buy?
What do you find attractive about unmanned stores?
Do you like talking to store clerks, or do you find customer service interactions uncomfortable?
Are unmanned stores common in your country? What kinds of unmanned stores are there?
Is there any product you would like to see sold in unmanned stores in the future?