Unscripted Reflections: Life, Health, and Change #248

In this episode, I talk casually without a script, reflecting on 2024 and sharing thoughts about life in Osaka, new habits, and the importance of health. I encourage listeners to find a space to relax, express themselves, and take care of their well-being. Let’s cherish ourselves a little more!

Unscripted Reflections: Life, Health, and Change #248
Silver Penguin+ Members: Video Podcast and Japanese Transcripts (Furigana Included/Excluded)

単語 (Vocabulary)

Work & Productivity

実験する (じっけんする) | To experiment, To try out
会社 (かいしゃ) | Company
組織 (そしき) | Organization
法人 (ほうじん) | Corporation
個人事業主 (こじんじぎょうぬし) | Sole proprietor
従業員 (じゅうぎょういん) | Employee
手続き (てつづき) | Procedure, Process
税理士 (ぜいりし) | Tax accountant

Lifestyle & Daily Life

忙しい (いそがしい) | Busy
都市 (とし) | City
気軽に (きがるに) | Casually
趣味 (しゅみ) | Hobby
発掘する (はっくつする) | To discover
近所 (きんじょ) | Neighborhood
体力 (たいりょく) | Physical strength, Stamina
老い / 老化 (おい / ろうか) | Aging
食事 (しょくじ) | Meal, Dining
睡眠 (すいみん) | Sleep
運動 (うんどう) | Exercise
疲れる (つかれる) | To get tired
セミパーソナル | Small-group personal training, Semi-private training


脂がのる (あぶらがのる) | To be rich in fat, To have rich flavor
脂っぽい (あぶらっぽい) | Greasy, Oily
和牛 (わぎゅう) | Wagyu beef
ヒレ / ヒレ肉 (ひれ / ひれにく) | Fillet, Tenderloin
ロース / ロース肉 (ろーす / ろーすにく) | Loin, Sirloin

Self-expression & Emotions

独り言 (ひとりごと) | Talking to oneself, Monologue, Self-talk
溜め込む (ためこむ) | To bottle up, To accumulate
心の中にしまう (こころのなかにしまう) | To keep something inside, To keep to oneself
モヤモヤする | To feel unsettled, To feel uneasy, To have mixed feelings

Seasons & Goals

新年の抱負 (しんねんのほうふ) | New Year’s resolutions

会話の話題 (Conversation Topics)

Do you make time to relax during your busy days?

Are you enjoying time with your friends and family? How often do you meet them?

Do you think you get bored easily? If so, is there anything you started but quickly stopped?

On the other hand, is there something you’ve been doing for a long time?

Do you think about your physical strength or health? What do you focus on?

How do you express yourself or “output” your thoughts? If you were to start, what method would you like to try?

Video Podcast and Japanese Transcripts (Furigana Included/Excluded)

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