単語 (Vocabulary)
浄水器(じょうすいき)- Water purifier
水道水(すいどうすい)- Tap water
ペットボトル - Plastic bottle
フィルター - Filter
引っ越す(ひっこす)- To move (residence)
カートリッジ - Cartridge
交換(こうかん)- Exchange, replacement
面倒くさい(めんどうくさい)- Troublesome, bothersome
後味(あとあじ)- Aftertaste
集合住宅(しゅうごうじゅうたく)- Apartment building
シャワーヘッド - Showerhead
美容師(びようし)- Hairdresser
サラサラ - Silky, smooth
蛇口(じゃぐち)- Faucet
無人島(むじんとう)- Desert island
会話の話題 (Conversation Topics)
What kind of water do you usually drink? Tap water? Or do you buy bottled water?
Have you ever used a water purifier? If so, what differences do you notice?
How often do people who use water purifiers change the cartridge? How do you manage to remember the day of replacement?
What are your thoughts on the impact of water quality on your body and health?