Conquering Fear Over the Phone: My Japanese Adventure in Lodging Reservation

Conquering Fear Over the Phone: My Japanese Adventure in Lodging Reservation
Photo by Quino Al / Unsplash

日本語で電話する勇気がありますか? このブログの読者であり、私の生徒さんでもあるペンギンサボテンさんが、ブログ記事を寄稿してくれました。(書いてくれました)ぜひ読んでみてください!

英語訳はこちら (Note: English translation can be found below. Click here for English translation)





(わたし)はちょっと不安(ふあん)でしたけど(つぎ)宿泊(しゅくはく)(さき)電話(でんわ)をしてみました。この宿泊(しゅくはく)(さき)はお(てら)にある宿坊(しゅくぼう)でした。一(かい)()(だれ)()ませんでした。二(かい)()(へん)(おと)がして(こま)りました。「()かけたかな」と(おも)って、一時間(じかん)散歩(さんぽ)して()ちました。深呼吸(しんこきゅう)をしてまた電話(でんわ)をしました。今回(こんかい)(だれ)かと(はな)せました。日本語(にほんご)(わたし)たちの状況(じょうきょう)説明(せつめい)して宿泊(しゅくはく)予約(よやく)をし(はじ)めました。しかし、年末(ねんまつ)年始(ねんし)のためこの宿(やど)(やす)予定(よてい)がありました。残念(ざんねん)ですけど、ほかの宿泊(しゅくはく)のおすすめを()きました。女将(おかみ)さんはおすすめを(こた)えてくれましたけど、(じつ)は、(まえ)電話(でんわ)した宿泊(しゅくはく)(さき)(or 宿(やど))でした!その情報(じょうほう)(つた)えると女将(おかみ)さんは(おどろ)いて(かんが)()んでいました。そして、「ここで予約(よやく)ができます」と()ってくれました。



会話の話題 (Conversation Topics)

"Have you ever made a phone call in a foreign language? Let's talk about your experience!"

"Have you ever stayed in a traditional Japanese ryokan or temple? Would you like to try it?"

"Have you ever encountered difficulties while traveling or planning a trip? How did you overcome them?"

"Do you notice differences between the Japanese you use in real-life situations and the Japanese you use in lessons? What do you think is important?"

日本語の緊張していた時:電話で宿坊の予約 みなさん、こんにちは!ペンギンサボテンです。久しぶりですね。日本語の勉強はどうでしたか?段々上達ができるといいですね。レッスンやクラス以外で、日本語を使う機会がありますか?どんな機会がありますか?レストランやお店ですか?それとも友達と話せますか?日本語を使う前はどんな感情を感じますか?ワクワクかドキドキですか? 日常の状況で日本語を話す私はいつも緊張しています。先生が私に「心配しないでください!一所懸命勉強したり復習したりして上手になりましたよ!」と言ってくれたのに、まだ緊張しやすいです。正直に言うと私はまだ勉強しているのでたまに間違えます…

English Version
Hi everyone, it’s PenguinCactus! It’s been a little while since last time. How are your Japanese studies going? I hope you’ve been making gradual progress. Outside of lessons and classes, do you have opportunities to use Japanese? What sort of opportunities? Inside restaurants or stores? Or, conversations with friends? Before using Japanese, how does it feel? Are you excited or nervous?

I’m always nervous when using Japanese in everyday conversation. Even though my teachers say “Don’t worry! You’ve spent so much effort studying and reviewing and you’ve become very good,” I still get nervous easily. Honestly, I still make mistakes because I’m still studying. And I’m afraid of offending someone by accident. But thanks to everyone’s support, I’ve been brave and kept at it.

Today, I have an interesting story I’d like to write about. Last year, I traveled to Japan with friends. When we were making plans, my friend came up with an interesting itinerary. We would go from Nagoya and hike the Nakasendo over two days. On the way, we planned to stay in a ryokan in a village since we needed lodging for one night. Even though I thought it was a good plan, putting it together was difficult. My friend tried to make reservations online but we weren’t able to because the places we wanted to stay only took reservations by phone. So, my friend asked me to call to make the reservations. This was a great chance to use Japanese but I was afraid.

I procrastinated for about a week. I didn’t want to make the call because I was terrified. But, in order to be able to do the planned hike, reserving lodging was essential. As the days went by, I slowly gathered my courage. One day, I finally made the calls.

I called the first ryokan. A staff member picked up the phone and I gave a speech I prepared ahead of time. I said things like “Sorry, my Japanese isn’t very good” and “I’d like to make a reservation.” The staff member was incredibly polite and kind but I was not able to make a reservation. Actually, the day we wanted to stay was during the Japanese New Years’ holidays so the ryokan was closed. I quickly apologized and hung up because I was so nervous. Right after I hung up, I wished I had asked for recommendations for other lodging.

Even though I felt uneasy, I tried calling the next place. This place had lodging inside of a temple. The first time I called, no one picked up. The second time, there was a strange noise and I didn’t know what to do. I thought they might be out, so I waited for an hour and went for a walk. Afterwards, I took a deep breath and called again. This time, I was able to speak to someone on the phone. I explained the situation in Japanese and started to make the reservation. However, they were also closed for the New Years’ holiday. It was unfortunate, but I asked if they could recommend another place to stay. The hostess gave me a recommendation but it was actually for the first place I called! When she found out that information, she was surprised and thought for a bit. After a while, she said that we could stay at the temple!

I was really surprised. I said that I didn’t want to impose or cause any trouble, but the hostess was incredibly kind. I couldn’t thank her enough. She really came to the rescue. After getting off the phone, I was so nervous that I paced around my home. I couldn’t believe it! I had a real conversation in Japanese that the hostess actually understood. I made a lot of mistakes, but she was incredibly patient.

This story was embarrassing but in the end, we were able to make the reservation. Have you ever had this type of experience? How was it? Were you able to convey what you wanted to say?



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