Dark Part-Time Jobs and Special Fraud in Japan (aka Yami Baito) #252

特殊詐欺と闇バイト!What are “special fraud” and “dark part-time jobs” in Japan? In this episode, we explore these intriguing but troubling topics, their connections to social media, and a real court case. Discover how these crimes reflect deeper societal issues and why staying informed is essential.

Dark Part-Time Jobs and Special Fraud in Japan (aka Yami Baito) #252
Silver Penguin+ Members: Video Podcast and Japanese Transcripts (Furigana Included/Excluded)

単語 (Vocabulary)

  • 闇バイト (やみばいと) | Illegal part-time job
  • 犯罪 (はんざい) | Crime
  • 騙す (だます) | To deceive, To trick
  • 手口 (てぐち) | Modus operandi, Method (of committing a crime)
  • 裁判 (さいばん) | Trial
  • 主犯者 (しゅはんしゃ) | Principal offender, Ringleader
  • 警察 (けいさつ) | Police
  • ふりをする | To pretend, To act as if
  • 装う (よそおう) | To disguise oneself as, To pretend to be
  • 時給 (じきゅう) | Hourly wage
  • 報酬 (ほうしゅう) | Reward, Compensation
  • 求人情報 (きゅうじんじょうほう) | Job information
  • 高額 (こうがく) | High-paying
  • 溢れる (あふれる) | To overflow, To be flooded with
  • 足がつく (あしがつく) | To be traceable, To leave a trail, To be traced back to someone
  • 捕まる (つかまる) | To be caught, To be arrested
  • ギャンブル | Gambling
  • バレる / ばれる | To be exposed, To be found out

その他 - Other

  • 銀行口座 (ぎんこうこうざ) | Bank account
  • 開設する (かいせつする) | To open, To establish
  • 指示をする (しじをする) | To instruct, To give orders
  • 低迷する (ていめいする) | To stagnate, To decline

会話の話題 (Conversation Topics)

Is social media or app-based crime an issue in your country? If so, what kind of crimes are common?

What are your thoughts on the court case discussed in this episode? Do you feel sympathy for the person who committed the crime?

With the rise of social media-related crimes, do you think there are any effective solutions?

What do you think can be done to improve “information literacy”?

If someone around you were considering applying for a “dark part-time job aka yamibaito,” how would you persuade them not to?

Life Lessons from a Courtroom: An Insight into Japanese Judicial System #133
裁判を見に行った話。裁判傍聴。The story of how a visit to the courthouse led me to watch someone else’s divorce proceedings. Join us as we share experiences from visiting a Japanese courtroom, exploring the intricacies of legal proceedings and extracting profound life lessons from an unexpected source.

Video Podcast and Japanese Transcripts (Furigana Included/Excluded)

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