Japanese Style Arguments: What We Learned from Fake Fights with YUYU #247

Join us as we reflect on an improvised "fake argument" with YUYU from YUYUの日本語Podcast! Discover how Japanese people approach disagreements, why arguments in Japan often focus on solutions, and how cultural differences shape conflict. Plus, tips on learning Japanese through unique scenarios!

Japanese Style Arguments: What We Learned from Fake Fights with YUYU #247
Silver Penguin+ Members: Video Podcast and Japanese Transcripts (Furigana Included/Excluded)

単語 (Vocabulary)

怒りや喧嘩 / Anger and Arguments

怒る (おこる) | To get angry, To be upset
ニヤニヤ | Smirking, Grinning
役を演じる (やくをえんじる) | To play a role, To act as
わがまま | Selfishness, Self-centeredness, Being spoiled
イライラする | To feel irritated, To be annoyed
不満 (ふまん) | Dissatisfaction, Complaints
解決する (かいけつする) | To solve, To resolve
言い合う (いいあう) | To argue, To have a heated exchange
傾向 (けいこう) | Tendency, Inclination
喧嘩する (けんかする) | To fight, To argue

コミュニケーションと解決 / Communication and Problem-Solving

過去 (かこ) | The past
蒸し返す (むしかえす) | To bring up (the past) again, To rehash
改善する (かいぜんする) | To improve, To make better
(意見などが)ぶつかる (いけんなどがぶつかる) | To clash (opinions), To collide
整理する / 整える (せいりする / ととのえる) | To organize, To put in order
お付き合いする (おつきあいする) | To date, To be in a relationship

感情と言葉 / Emotions and Expressions

やってらんないよ | I can’t take this!, I’m done!
くそー!! | Damn it!, Shoot!
ふざけんな! てめぇ!! | Screw you, you idiot!

文化や行動 / Culture and Behavior

母国語 (ぼこくご) | Native language, Mother tongue
回りくどい嫌味 (まわりくどいいやみ) | Passive-aggressive behavior/comments
論理的 (ろんりてき) | Logical
グサッと刺さる (ぐさっとささる) | To hit home, To cut deeply
揚げ足を取る (あげあしをとる) | To nitpick, To catch someone out
相性 (あいしょう) | Compatibility, Chemistry

その他 / Others

討論番組 (とうろんばんぐみ) | Debate show, Discussion program
負け (まけ) | Loss, Defeat
折れる (おれる) | To give in, To compromise
平和主義 (へいわしゅぎ) | Pacifism, Peace-loving nature

会話の話題 (Conversation Topics)

In your culture, how do you express emotions and opinions during an argument?

When you have an argument, are you the type to apologize first, or do you wait for the other person to apologize?

After an argument, what words or actions do you use to make up with the other person?

During an argument, do you "give in" (withdraw your opinion)? Why or why not?

What do you do in your daily life to reduce the chances of arguments happening?

【インプロ】A Couple’s Real Talk in Japanese | 同棲カップルの家事についての話し合い with YUYUの日本語Podcast #245
Experience natural Japanese in this improvised play! Follow a fictional couple’s candid conversation about balancing household chores. Perfect for learners seeking to improve their listening skills and grasp real-life expressions in a fun, spontaneous context.
【インプロ】Hangry in New York: Learn Real Japanese Through a Couple’s Funny Improv | 異国で日本食が食べたくてケンカするカップルの会話 with YUYUの日本語Podcast #246
Practice Japanese with this fun improv of a hangry couple in New York! Their natural, unscripted conversation is full of real-life expressions and vocabulary, helping you improve your listening skills while enjoying a relatable and funny scenario.



Video Podcast and Japanese Transcripts (Furigana Included/Excluded)

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