単語 (Vocabulary)
都会 (とかい) - City, urban
生活 (せいかつ) - Living, lifestyle
引っ越し (ひっこし) - Moving (house)
新鮮 (しんせん) - Fresh, new
交通 (こうつう) - Transportation
ユニーク - Unique
体験 (たいけん) - Experience
人混み (ひとごみ) - Crowd
物価 (ぶっか) - Prices, cost of living
デメリット- Disadvantage, downside
会話の話題 (Conversation Topics)
Have you ever felt bewildered when you moved out of your hometown and started living in a new place?
Is there a unique experience you'd like to try in the city? Please also tell me why.
What do you feel are the downsides of living in the city, or what downsides can you imagine? Please be specific.
How is the traffic situation in the area where you live?
Do you think you will be living in the city five years from now?

In this episode, I mentioned that I had 'just moved.' This article introduces the usage and nuances of 'ばかり' as used in that context.

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