Urban Adventures: Embracing Osaka's Vibrant Culture and Nature #215, 216

Discover the cultural contrasts and natural escapes in Osaka, from city hikes to local traditions, as we explore the personal and urban transformations.

Urban Adventures: Embracing Osaka's Vibrant Culture and Nature #215, 216
大阪の文化的象徴 かさキャッチ https://www.daiichiseiko.com/products/5304/index?lang=ja
Silver Penguin+ Members: Video Podcast and Japanese Transcripts (Furigana Included/Excluded)

単語 (Vocabulary)

発見 (はっけん) - Discovery
ご存知の通り (ごぞんじのとおり) - As you may know
初心者 (しょしんしゃ) - Beginner
中級 (ちゅうきゅう) - Intermediate
上級者 (じょうきゅうしゃ) - Advanced
高級住宅地 (こうきゅうじゅうたくち) - Upscale residential area
川 (かわ) - River
山頂 (さんちょう) - Summit, The top of a mountain
景色 (けしき) - Scenery, View
ロープウェイ - Ropeway
温泉街 (おんせんがい) - Spa town
気軽 (きがる) - Casual, Feel free, Freely
標高 (ひょうこう) - Elevation
商店街 (しょうてんがい) - Shopping district
お詣り (おまいり) - Visit to a shrine/temple, Pilgrimage
遊園地 (ゆうえんち) - Amusement park
車社会 (くるましゃかい) - Car-based society
移動 (いどう) - Transportation
交通の便 (こうつうのべん) - Accessibility of transport
市街地 (しがいち) - Urban area
平地 (へいち) - Flatland
ケチ - Stingy
往復 (おうふく) - Round trip
気が合う (きがあう) - Get along, Compatible
〜ならでは - Unique to, Characteristic of
話が逸れる (はなしがそれる) - Digress, Go off on a tangent

会話の話題 (Conversation Topics)

How long do you think it takes to realize whether you are more suited to living in the city or the countryside?

Have you ever discovered a new aspect of yourself as a result of moving?

Are there any hiking trails in the area where you live?

What are your thoughts on the "Obachan culture" in Osaka?


Hiking Trails

Video Podcast and Japanese Transcripts (Furigana Included/Excluded)

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