Heisei Era Retro Quiz with Miku #205

Heisei Era Retro Quiz with Miku #205

ミクさんと一緒に平成レトロゲームをしましょう!🎮 Join Miku from Miku Real Japanese for a Heisei Era Retro Quiz! Dive into the nostalgic trends of Furby, Pokémon, and more that shaped a generation in Japan.

Silver Penguin+ Members: Video Podcast and Japanese Transcripts (Furigana Included/Excluded)+Bonus footage

Nostalgic Waves: A Dive into Heisei Retro #204
懐かしい思い出に浸ってみませんか?Explore the nostalgic era of Heisei Japan, from Tamagotchi to flip phones, and how it mirrors global Y2K vibes. Relive memories with us!

If you're wondering 'What is Heisei retro?', please read this article first!

About Miku:)


Chat With Miku-san from Miku Real Japanese #124
日本語のコンテンツクリエーターとしてはとしてはもちろん、人間的にすばらしいお方です!She is amazing! Join us for a delightful chat with Miku from Miku Real Japanese. Discover her passion for nature, hiking, and Japanese culture as we dive into personal stories and shared interests in language and lifestyle.
Part2 Chat With Miku-san from Miku Real Japanese #166 #167
Part3 Chat With Miku-san from Miku Real Japanese #177&178
ミクさんとの3回目の会話です。旅行の話や雑談をしています。A map of recommended places has been inserted into this article (using Google My Maps). It’s sure to come in handy for your next trip to Japan!
Exploring Humor from Osaka to the Global Stage with Miku #187 #188
関西・大阪出身のミクさんにお笑いやユーモアについて教えてもらいました!Delve into a captivating journey with Miku from Miku Real Japanese as we traverse from the heart of Kansai’s distinctive humor to the global tapestry of comedic expressions.

Video Podcast, Japanese Transcripts (Furigana Included/Excluded)+Bonus footage

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