Self-Ordering in Japanese Restaurants #134

Self-Ordering in Japanese Restaurants #134

tiers 10 min read
コロナ禍で飲食店での注文の仕方が変化しています。これからもタッチパネルでの注文が増えていくと思います。Explore the shift towards self-ordering systems in Japanese dining. The majority of restaurants still interact with people in 2022. However, there's no doubt that more self-service restaurants will increase in the future. (At least in Japan)
Chat With Miku-san from Miku Real Japanese #124

Chat With Miku-san from Miku Real Japanese #124

public 34 min read
日本語のコンテンツクリエーターとしてはとしてはもちろん、人間的にすばらしいお方です!She is amazing! Join us for a delightful chat with Miku from Miku Real Japanese. Discover her passion for nature, hiking, and Japanese culture as we dive into personal stories and shared interests in language and lifestyle.