風物詩とは季節の感じをよく表していて詩のような印象を与えるもののことです・What best describes the feeling of Summer in Japan?Explore the essence of a Japanese summer with me as we delve into seasonal traditions like fireworks, festivals, and unique summer foods, capturing the nostalgic charm of Japan's warmest months!
わたしが日本でよくお昼に食べるもの。What do you Eat for Lunch? Discover the joy of cooking and the convenience of dining out in Japan. From homemade pasta to local udon, learn how I balance nutrition, taste, and budget in my daily meals.
日本語のコンテンツクリエーターとしてはとしてはもちろん、人間的にすばらしいお方です!She is amazing! Join us for a delightful chat with Miku from Miku Real Japanese. Discover her passion for nature, hiking, and Japanese culture as we dive into personal stories and shared interests in language and lifestyle.