Does tap water taste better than spring water in Japan? Explore the perks of using a water purifier in this episode. I share my experience switching to filtered water in my old apartment, the noticeable difference in taste, and even consider a shower head filter.
日本語のコンテンツクリエーターとしてはとしてはもちろん、人間的にすばらしいお方です!She is amazing! Join us for a delightful chat with Miku from Miku Real Japanese. Discover her passion for nature, hiking, and Japanese culture as we dive into personal stories and shared interests in language and lifestyle.
日本で病院に行ってきました。Speaking from my recent experience!
I'll answer questions like what it was like to go to the clinic, what was the cost. I will also talk about my personal experience in terms of the language barrier which may be an issue for non-Japanese speakers.